Start page | Eifel National Park
Experience the fascinating process of the newly developing wilderness at close quarters! Watch wild animals, roam the natural beech and mixed forests, and enjoy magical panoramic views …
Page d'accueil | Parc National de l’Eifel - Nationalpark Eifel
Il y a quelque chose d'unique dans le parc national de l'Eifel qui est unique en Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie: de vastes forêts et des paysages ouverts sont en voie de retour vers la nature! Le …
Eifel National Park - Wikipedia
The Eifel National Park (German: Nationalpark Eifel) is the 14th national park in Germany and the first in North Rhine-Westphalia. The park was founded in 2004, and is classified as a "national …
艾費爾國家公園 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾費爾國家公園 (德語: Nationalpark Eifel)是 德國 的國家公園,位於該國西部 艾費爾山 北部,由 北萊茵-威斯特法倫 負責管轄,始建於2004年1月1日,面積107平方公里。
Eifel National Park
The Hohes Venn Eifel nature park, which crosses national borders, connects North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and eastern Belgium in the north of the Eifel. The nature …
Nationalpark Eifel - Eifel.info
Set in a dramatic landscape of woods interspersed with water, the Eifel National Park will allow you to experience the fascinating natural diversity of a wilderness at first hand. For in this large …
Eifel National Park: wild nature, wooded areas, water - Germany
At the Eifel National Park in North Rhine-Westphalia, areas where trees were once felled are now being transformed into wild, unspoiled woodland once more. More than 2,170 endangered …
Die Nordeifel - Eifel National Park
You have many opportuni-ties to explore the Eifel National Park on its 110 square kilometres. You can hike through deciduous forests, past meadows, lakes, rivers, and interestingly shaped …
Eifel National Park Travel Guide & Travel Tips » Nationalpark Eifel …
The Eifel National Park protects the habitats of deciduous forests, spring areas, stream valleys and open areas that characterise the natural landscape of the Eifel. True to the national park …
Eifel National Park - Wilderness in NRW
The Eifel National Park is NRW's only national park. Find tips for hikes, guided tours with the ranger or the most beautiful trekking spots for stargazing.