paredit — parenthetical editing in Emacs
paredit — parenthetical editing in Emacs. paredit.el (version 26) paredit-beta.el (unstable) release notes; credits; git repository; 2022–11–27. demos around the web. Emacs Rocks! Episode 14: Paredit; Dan Midwood's Animated Guide to Paredit
spec - paredit.org
;;; ;;; Paredit Mode also binds common editing keys, such as `DEL', `C-d', ;;; and `C-k', to commands that respect S-expression structures in the ;;; buffer: ;;; ;;; DEL deletes the previous character, unless it is a delimiter: DEL ;;; will move the point backward over a closing delimiter, and ;;; will delete a delimiter pair together if ...
* Paredit Release Notes -*- outline -*- paredit -- parenthetical editing in Emacs https://paredit.org Latest release: https://paredit.org/paredit.el Current ...
Basic Insertion Commands - paredit.org
(define-key keymap [frob| ] 'frobnicate) ---> (define-key keymap [frob]| 'frobnicate)
An alternative set of keybindings is ;;; available in PAREDIT-TERMINAL-MODE that works in Emacs under Unix ;;; terminals with the -nw option (implied or otherwise). ;;; ;;; This mode changes the keybindings for (, ), and ", most notably; ;;; if …
A simple workaround is to ;;; undefine RET in paredit's keymap and to define it in all keymaps ;;; where you want to use it, but which SLIME can override; e.g., ;;; ;;; (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "RET") nil) ;;; (define-key lisp-mode-shared-map (kbd "RET") 'paredit-newline) ;;; ;;; This is written for GNU Emacs.
Alternatively, you ;;; can manually toggle this mode with M-x paredit-mode. ;;; ;;; This mode changes the keybindings for (, ), and ", most notably; ;;; if you really, really want a literal one of those, use C-q.
;;; Install paredit by placing `paredit.el' in `/path/to/elisp', a ;;; directory of your choice, and adding to your .emacs file: ;;; ;;; (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/elisp") ;;; (autoload 'enable-paredit-mode "paredit" ;;; "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code."
Four arguments: the paredit command, the text of the buffer before, the text of the buffer after, and the expected text of the buffer after.") (defun paredit-test-failed (command before after expected) (funcall paredit-test-failure-function command before after expected)) (defun paredit-test (command examples) (message "Testing %S..."
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