Park Ranger 2150 - KLG GmbH - Vertrieb von Egholm Fahrzeugen
Mit dem Park Ranger 2150 benötigen Sie nur eine Maschine für all Ihre unterschiedlichen Pflegearbeiten im Außenbereich. Vorteile: Niedriger Einstiegspreis; Hoher jährlicher Nutzungsgrad - rasche Rentabilität; Weniger Aufwand für Maschinenschulungen; Kleinerer Fuhrpark; Kompatibel mit der neuen Europäischen Abgasnorm Stage V
Includes: 75 kg operator and 90% fuel capacity. The Park Ranger 2150 is the most attractive choice within the compact machine class. With tailor-made quality attachments, fully aligned with the machine, you have 19 dedicated machines in one.
Park Ranger 2150 - EGHOLM - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry
Optimize your outdoor maintenance - with one machine and 19 dedicated functions The Park Ranger 2150 is the most attractive choice within the compact machine class. With 19 tailor-made attachments available, the machine performs every task as well as - or better - than any single-purpose machine on the market.
Der Park Ranger 2150 ist die attraktivste Wahl in der Kom-paktmaschinenklasse. Mit exakt auf den Geräteträger maßgeschneiderten Anbaugeräten haben Sie 19 Arbeits-maschinen in einer Maschine. Dank der kompakten Abmessungen und der großen Wen-digkeit finden Sie einfachen Zugang zu engen Bereichen und Arealen.
驾驶式扫地机 - Park Ranger 2150 - EGHOLM - 车载 / 柴油 / 户外
第五阶段发动机是所有新的Park Ranger 2150机器的标准配置。 凭借广泛的附件和灵活性,Park Ranger 2150是紧凑型多功能机器类别中最明显的选择。 注重性能和用户舒适度 随着第五阶段的更新,我们专注于实现更新,以提高机器的性能和用户体验。 事实上,新的26马力珀金斯发动机与之前的Stage lllB发动机相比,运行的转数减少了约600转,这使得配备新发动机的Park Ranger 2150更加节能。 减少的转数并不影响性能 - 相反。 它意味着更少的振动和噪音,以及更高的 …
The Park Ranger 2150 is the most attractive choice within the compact machine class. With 19 tailor-made attachments available, the machine performs every task as well as - or better - than any single-purpose machine on the market. All attachments can be changed by one person in less than 4 minutes - no tools needed and no heavy lifting involved!
View and Download Egholm Park Ranger 2150 operator's manual online. Basic machine. Park Ranger 2150 utility vehicle pdf manual download.
Egholm Park Ranger 2150 - B&G Cleaning Systems Ltd
The Egholm Park Ranger 2150 is a compact utility cleaning machine with a tight turning circle of only 110cm and flexible movement, enabling it to be used in narrow and low-height spaces. Fully hydraulic and easy to operate, there are no mechanical parts such as fan belts, chains and crank shafts and very few wearing parts, so only minimal ...
Presenting Park Ranger 2150 Compact, flexible, powerful - and Green! The Park Ranger 2150 is the most attractive choice within compact machines up to 30 HP. Tailor-made quality attachments are fully aligned to the machine, ensuring perfect results. Get easy access to narrow areas and places and versatile handling of all Green and
The Park Ranger 2150 is an Egholm utility machine with a complete range of special attachments designed to allow you to perform outdoor maintenance work all year round. Sweeping and vacuuming in spring and autumn, mowing grass and lawn-edge cutting in the summer, and sweeping snow, and spreading gravel and sand in the winter.