Numerical assessment of particle dispersion and exposure risk in …
2016年12月1日 · The present study focused on particle dispersion and exposure risk in a residential underground parking lot during a 120 s continuous vehicle exhaust and a 300 s transient dispersion after the vehicle exhaust stopped. The conclusions are as follows:
1904.5 - Determination of work-relatedness. - Occupational …
The injury or illness is caused by a motor vehicle accident and occurs on a company parking lot or company access road while the employee is commuting to or from work.
To assist with the reduction/elimination/control of parking lot exposures, the following guidelines should be an important part of the overall facility safety and security concern.
Parking facilities are not considered part of an employer's …
1994年3月24日 · Company parking facilities are generally not considered part of the employer's premises for OSHA recordkeeping purposes. Injuries or illnesses which occur to employees on these parking lots are not presumed to be work related, and are not recordable unless the employee was engaged in some work related activity or present as a condition of ...
Vocs pollution and respiratory exposure in commercial and …
2024年11月1日 · The elevated concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from vehicle exhaust in parking lots, which function as semi-enclosed areas with frequent access for numerous motor vehicles, can rapidly accumulate, resulting in severe air pollution and posing health risks to the population.
Exposure to respirable particles and TVOC in underground parking ...
In large enclosed underground parking garage, pollutants including particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO 2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated from automobiles are concentrated and accumulated, causing adverse health effects to car park users and workers/staff (Abualqumboz et al. 2016; Dhawan et al. 2018; Kong et al. 2019; Ya...
If you are accessing a parking lot alone after dark, consider the following: • Be sure to move your vehicle to a well-lit parking space that is closest to the door by which you will exit before it gets dark. • Do not leave valuables in view inside your car. • …
Parking Lot Injuries: OSHA Recordable? - EHS Daily Advisor
2012年11月5日 · If an employee slips and falls in your parking lot on the way to work, or if an employee goes out to the parking lot for a smoke break and has a fall, are these work-related OSHA 300 log recordable incidents? Here are two cases excerpted from an OSHA letter of interpretation that can help you answer this question. Case 1
Parking Lot Safety: Tips for Preventing Accidents & Injuries
2024年8月27日 · Parking lot safety is an often overlooked aspect of workplace and public safety, but it plays a critical role in preventing accidents and injuries. By implementing strategic design elements, enforcing speed and traffic controls, enhancing pedestrian safety, maintaining the parking lot, and ensuring security, businesses and property managers can ...
Parking lot safety
Various hazards lurk in parking lots, often hidden in plain sight. Understanding these risks is the first step in developing effective safety strategies. Here are some of the most common hazards associated with parking lot safety: 1. Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions. The interaction between vehicles and pedestrians is a primary concern in ...