Heckler & Koch PSG1 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for "precision marksman rifle") is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle designed and produced by the German company Heckler & Koch. This rifle is said to have been developed in response to the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
PSG-1步枪在机械上基于 HK G3 并且具有一个低噪音的助推器(类似于之前用于M16A1/A2/A3/A4上的 复进助推器)PSG-1的预期 精确度 小于一个 角分,并为认为是最精确的半自动狙击步枪之一。 该枪能在300米的距离上连续将50发子弹打入一个直径为8厘米的圆圈。 所有的PSG-1步枪都没有 机械瞄具,而是装备有照明 分划板 的Hensoldt 6×42 瞄准镜,浮动 重型枪管 和可调节枪托。 PSG-1的枪托是由 高密 塑料制成,黑色 粗糙表面,并且可以调向任何角度以 …
HK PSG1狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PSG-1 (德文: P räzisions- S charfschützen- G ewehr,意為:「精確射手步槍」),是由 黑克勒-科赫 生产的一种 半自动 狙击步枪。 在 1980年 代中期, 德国 H&K 公司制造有自动射击的PSG-1作为 反恐 用 狙击枪。 其 价格 一挺换算约100万 日元,其 重量 有8 公斤 左右。 [1] 当时的 西德 警察无法迅速与 恐怖分子 交战从而保护 人质。 黑克勒-科赫 自此后受委托研发一种高精度,大容量 彈匣,适合警用的半自動步枪。 PSG-1因其可靠性和良好的表现受到广泛赞誉,通 …
PSG-1 狙击 步枪 - 枪炮世界
HK公司在2006年推出了改进型PSG-1 A1,把拉机柄卡槽的角度逆时针(向下方)旋转了几度,以避免拉机柄固定在开膛位置时影响某些较长的瞄准镜和阻挡射手的视野,另外原来的亨索尔特6倍瞄准镜因为电池充电问题和精确问题及倍率太小等问题,又换成施密特-本德 (Schmidt & Bender )的3-12x50 Police Marksman II瞄准镜。 PSG1A1在外观上和PSG1差别不大. P SG-1的精度究竟有多好? 大多数资料都喜欢反复引用“在300米的距离上它保证可以把五十发子弹全部打进一 …
H&K PSG1 Sniper Rifle Overview | thefirearmblog.com
2016年2月18日 · This is the Heckler and Koch PSG1, which is perhaps the most iconic semi automatic sniper rifle of all time, and often heralded as the most accurate semi auto in the world. The PSG1 was developed after the German government’s failure at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
How a H&K PSG1 works - YouTube
The PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for "precision shooting rifle") is a semi-automatic sniper rifle designed and produced by the German company Heckler & Koch. ...more.
Heckler & Koch PSG1: The most accurate semi-automatic rifle in …
2020年12月27日 · Heckler & Koch was commissioned to create a high-accuracy, large-magazine capacity, semi-automatic rifle for law enforcement and military use. It uses the standard basic breech mechanism in which a bolt is a two-part unit, and …
Sniper Central H&K PSG-1 FULL REVIEW
2020年8月26日 · Another one of these legendary rifles is the H&K PSG-1, which when it was developed in the 1980s was promoted as the most accurate semi-auto rifle in the world. The question that many people ask, or at least think, is whether the actual rifle lives up to the hype and mythical status, and that brings us to the write-up here.
H&K PSG-1: The Ultimate German Sniper Rifle - YouTube
Developed in the 1980s, the H&K PSG-1 is one of the most iconic sniper rifles in popular culture, with a reputation for unmatched accuracy. It is, in fact, an excellent rifle, and today we will...
In the tradition of the G3 automatic rifle, roller locked accuracy reaches its pinnacle in the PSG1 sniper rifle. Taking the legendary HK manufacturing processes to their fullest extent, the PSG1 is capable of sub-minute of angle accuracy.
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