5 Reverb Parameters Every Producer Needs to Know
Use a high-pass filter to remove unnecessary low-end rumble and a low-pass filter to tame harsh highs. These adjustments ensure the reverb enhances your sound rather than overwhelming it. For example, cutting frequencies below 200 Hz keeps the bass tight, while a gentle roll-off above 8 kHz softens sharp reflections.
Jacob Shea: Seven Worlds, 1600 Algorithms, One ... - Eventide Audio
Eventide H9000R Powers Theme and Score Composition for Bleeding Fingers Music’s Jacob Shea The BBC Natural History Unit’s Seven Worlds, One Planet wildlife documentary series, filmed over nearly five years across all seven continents, features a theme and score composed by Hans Zimmer and Jacob Shea of Emmy—and BAFTA—nominated Bleeding ...
TimeFactor and MIDI pass-through - Eventide Audio
2024年12月11日 · TimeFactor and MIDI pass-through Home › Forums › Products › Stompboxes › TimeFactor and MIDI pass-through This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Telegirl .
Rose Pedal Press Kit - Eventide Audio
2019年1月23日 · Analog Low Pass Filter; Expression / Auxiliary / Midi TRS input; Three different bypass types: Buffered, Relay, Kill Input; Accepts Line or Instrument Levels; Can be modulated over a range from ~200kHz for maximum fidelity with up to 10 seconds of delay, down to ~8kHz for 50 seconds of delay
How to Generate Aggressive, Unpredictable Synths | Eventide
The Fractal wavefolder and Low Pass Gate are modulated by key pressure, making it perfect for aftertouch or MPE playing. MPE, or MIDI Polyphonic Expression, is a method of using MIDI that allows for more detailed control of individual notes in a performance.
Time Factor Back-Up Dump Help - Eventide Audio
2008年3月4日 · – Also make sure Options -> Pass SysEx is ticked – Now go View -> SysEx – Go Sysex -> Receive Manual Dump – On the TF, navigate to the patch you wish to dump – Then enter system mode (find this in the manual) – Go MIDI -> DUMP -> CURRENT – On the TF it will say SEND… and then DUMP – In MidiOX, It'll say x bytes received. Click ...
Martel Music - Eventide Audio
2025年1月13日 · Leave this field empty if you're human: Instagram; Facebook; X; YouTube; TikTok; Products. Pedals Plug-ins Rackmount ...
EQ65 - Equalizer VST Plug-in - Eventide Audio
The EQ65 is a recreation of a classic audio surgical tool, the Urei 565 filter set, used by generations of engineers to de-emphasize or completely eliminate selected frequencies in an audio recording. Its two-band notch/band pass filter set allows you to quickly find a selected frequency to boost or cut.
New Presets : users advice - Eventide Audio
2008年11月26日 · i think some stuff using the filters…maybe a q-tron clone…some really cool lfo stuff (tuned for guitar, as many of the filter presets go beyond what guitar speakers can comfortably reproduce at the moment) – especially sounds similar to those used in dance and techno music. square wave trance gates with added filtering…more "synthy" stuff, perhaps using combinations of fuzz and vibrato ...
Custom Audio Electronics MC 403 - Eventide Audio
2010年4月28日 · FYI. Despite published specs, the CAE/MXR MC403 *WILL* power the Eventide stompboxes.I have been successfully powering 2 Eventide pedals from the MC403 adjustable outs (set to 9vdc) continuously for the past 5 days.