Where is the exact location of Patala-Loka? - Hinduism Stack …
2018年11月8日 · Instead of saying Patala is located downwards below the earth, we could say it is located at subatomic scales. Think, all those arguments still hold true and even more. there …
Are patala and other "-tala" places different planets altogether?
2018年2月14日 · The seven holes or Vivara which are under the earth Namely Atala , Vitala , Sutala ,Talatala ,Mahatala ,Rasatala and patala ,which are also called Lokas or planetary …
philosophy - Is Adi Shankaracharya's commentary on the …
2016年12月29日 · R.S Narasimhan's book "Yoga of right living for self-realisation : a free rendering of Adhyatma patala of Apastamba dharma sutra with commentary of Adi Sankara", …
Who is the king of Paathal lok? Bali or Mahiravan?
The mighty Vishnu, gave the Patala named Sutal to Bali (to rule & blessed him to be next Indra) Now, actually people consider any realm below earth as Patal. Thus the confusion has arrised. …
How Hanumanji visited Patal loka? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
2015年9月16日 · The story is told in the Krittivasi Ramayana, a Bengali version of the epic. To protect Rama and Lakshmana from Ravana's son Mahiravana, Hanuman makes a fortress out …
What is the life span of the people who are living in lower …
2019年7月25日 · The inhabitants of the lower worlds (Atala, Vitala, Sutala etc upto Patala) are all various kinds of demons. Yet they seem to have a much more pleasurable and luxurious …
lakshmana - Where does Adisesha live? In Patala loka or in …
In Ramayana, Lakshmana went to the Sarayu river, ended life by engaging in meditation and stopping his breathing. It is said his soul went to Patala Loka. Similar to this, white snake like …
What are the "Three Worlds" referred to in the Bhagavad Gita 3.22?
2018年8月2日 · Naraka-- Hell -- lower (some call it pAtAla loka or the underworld, but not sure) A person resides in these worlds depending on the 3 guna-s (qualities) of the Prakruti (material …
Where is Pitru Loka among the 14 lokas? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
2019年2月8日 · So,logically Pitra loka is between earth and heaven Swarga of 5th realm .Where its written Pitra loka is below 14th loka Patala of Nagas? – user21300 Commented Aug 13, …
ramayana - What happened to Hanuman's son Makardhwaja after …
2017年8月31日 · I know that he was born from sweat of Hanuman. Hanuman and Makardhwaja both met in Patala when Hanuman was searching for Rama and Lakshmana in Patala. And …