Assessing the Sukhoi PAK-FA / Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Article …
The public exposure of the Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Article 701 PAK-FA or Перспективный Авиационный Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации following the 29th January, 2010, test flight has provided sufficient high resolution imagery, video camera footage, and incidental disclosures to perform an initial ...
关于第五代多用途战斗机PAK-FA T-50的前景
2015年9月21日 · 俄罗斯第五代多用途战斗机PAK-FA T-50将于2016年在俄罗斯联邦航空航天部队的委托下,在无数次战斗训练活动中进行实际测试。 俄罗斯航空航天总司令上校上周五宣布了这一消息 V.邦达列夫. 飞机,或者说是前途光明的前线综合体 航空,用于替代Su-27飞机机队。 自2010年XNUMX月底以来,一直对该复合体进行测试。 为了使读者不会指责作者对T-50的优缺点有偏见,以下是比较表,其中列出了来自不同国家的第5代主要飞机的详细特性。 有文化的人要 …
Su-57 Felon / PAK FA / T-50 / Project 701 - GlobalSecurity.org
Russia’s T-50 (PAK FA) fifth-generation fighter jet has received the serial index of Su-57, Aerospace Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Viktor Bondarev said in an interview with the ...
SUKHOI T-50 PAKFA - janes.migavia.com
sukhoi t-50 pakfa TYPE : Multirole fighter. PROGRAMME : Successor programme to original quest for fifth-generation fighter, for which MiG 1.42 and Sukhoi S-37/Su-47 Berkut demonstrators were built.
Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Stealth Fighter - Airforce Technology
The Sukhoi PAK FA is a multirole stealth fighter aircraft being developed by Sukhoi of Russia. It will be used to meet the requirements of the Russian and Indian Air Forces. The first prototype aircraft, T-50, took its 47-minute maiden flight on 29 January 2010 at the Komsomol’sk-na-Amur Airport, and is planned for introduction in 2013.
The T-50 fighter jet
The work on developing the Russian fifth-generation T-50 multipurpose fighter jet began in the 1990s under the program of the Perspective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation …
PAK-FA: Russia's fifth-generation fighter T-50 - DefenceTalk
The T-50 is the domestic name of Russia’s fifth-generation fighter plane which has been developed as the Advanced Front-Line Aviation Complex (PAK FA) for Russia’s Air Force. The project started its development by the Sukhoi design bureau since it won the tender in April 2002.
Su-PAKFA a Russian Stealth Fighter - Defence Aviation
Sukhoi’s internal project codename is known as T-50. The PAK FA is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian Air Force. It is scheduled to have its first flight in 2009 and enter service with the Russian Air Force subsequently. It is designed to compete with US F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.
Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA - FlightGear wiki
The Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA is a fifth-generation jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force.
PAK-FA T-50 Fifth generation fighter jet - Behance
2016年3月8日 · Making the landing gear retract and fit into the slim compartments by a turning action was a hairy business. But I pulled it off, with mere centimeters to spare. The big wheelpair rests flatly right beneath the top surface of the central body, in fact. The semispeculative refueling probe was taken from an analogue on Mig-29.