Pavel | GTA Wiki | Fandom
Pavel (Russian: Павел) is a main character in Grand Theft Auto Online, introduced as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update. He is portrayed by Rockstar Games performance director Brandon Beilis.
MH-53J Pave Low III [Add-On | 19 seats] - GTA5-Mods.com
2017年8月9日 · Derived from the CH-53 airframe used by the US Marines and US Navy, the MH-53 family served in the USAF branch and has some modifications (both internal and external) compared to the CH-53s. This mod brings the MH-53J into GTA V in a "clean" (no weapons) transport version. It seats pilot, co-pilot, one crew member on the back ramp and 16 soldiers.
HH-60G Pave Hawk Add-On for GTA 5 - LibertyCity
2017年12月31日 · Download HH-60G Pave Hawk Add-On for GTA 5. Model features: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - High-quality 3D model; - Detailed cabin; - Tuned optics; - The windows are broken.
GTA SA. Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low (MOD) - YouTube
2022年11月2日 · MOD https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-san-andreas/helicopters/6946-sikorsky-mh-53.html#GtaSanAndreas #Gtamod #PC
HH-60G Pave Hawk - GTA5-Mods.com
The HH-60G Pave Hawk is a helicopter used by the US Air Force for Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) missions. It is equipped with special parts like FLIR, rescue hoist, M134 machine guns, new radar and glass cockpit. The airframe is based on the UH-60 Black Hawk, but has visual differences as well.
MH-60 Black Hawk Package [Add-On | VehFuncs V] - GTA5 …
2023年9月27日 · This is another modification / standalone mod of the recently released UH-60V Black Hawk. The goal was to have a dedicated version of the special operations MH-60 Black Hawk. By default, this roughly represents an MH-60K Black Hawk with an older cockpit like the recently updated HH-60G Pave Hawk.
Locations of Military Base and Rhino Tank in GTA 5
2025年3月14日 · Locations of Military Base and Rhino Tank in GTA 5 Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5), developed by Rockstar Games, is a vast open-world action-adventure game that allows players to explore the fictional state of San Andreas. Within this massive sandbox, players can engage in various activities, heists, and missions.
Sikorsky HH-60G Pave Hawk para GTA 5 - GTAall.net
Sikorsky HH-60G Pave Hawk para GTA 5. Multiuso helicóptero sustitución de Buckingham Valkyrie. Descripción: - el modelo admite todas las funciones básicas del juego - modelo detallado - trabajar armas - todos los bastiones como el original helicópteros - un trabajo de gancho puertas correderas - ayuda de las pieles
GTA Online's wave of "experiential updates" have changed
2023年7月3日 · Named by Rockstar as "experiential updates", GTA Online has quietly rolled out a glut of long-requested nips and tucks designed to improve the minute-to-minute action in Los …
MH-53 Pave Low | Modern Warfare Wiki | Fandom
The Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low series is a long-range combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter for the United States Air Force. The series was upgraded from the HH-53B/C, variants of the Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion. The HH-53 "Super Jolly Green Giant" was initially developed to replace the HH-3 "Jolly Green Giant".