Pave Tack - Wikipedia
The Ford Aerospace AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack is an electro-optical targeting pod for military attack aircraft. It uses a laser and a forward looking infrared to find and designate targets for laser-guided bombs and other precision-guided munitions. Pave Tack's images are routed to a cockpit display, usually for the weapon systems officer.
从“龙之颚”到“宝石路”,揭秘激光制导炸弹的诞生 - 哔哩哔哩
2017年3月22日 · 一款名为“铺路刀”(Pave Knife)的激光指示吊舱被研发出来并挂在了F-4战斗机的翼下,而且开始在激光指示方面逐步替代“Zot”设备。 “铺路刀”吊舱安装在一个万向节上并可以自由旋转,从而能够在飞机自由机动飞行的同时保持激光束始终照射在目标上。
Ford Aerospace AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack - National Museum of …
Pave Tack is a laser designator pod used with selected F-4E, RF-4C and F-111 aircraft for precision navigation, target location and target designation. The pod weighs 1,300 pounds and uses an imaging infrared thermal detector to provide a clear view of targets in day, night or adverse conditions.
F-111F AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack System - YouTube
2009年5月22日 · The Ford Aerospace AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack is an electro-optical targeting pod developed by the United States Air Force (USAF) for military attack aircraft. It uses a laser and a forward-looking...
宝石路激光制导炸弹 - 百度百科
宝石路激光制导炸弹(英文:Paveway,又称“铺路”),是 美国 在Mk 80系列标准炸弹上加装激光制导系统和弹翼而成的一类成本很低的 精确制导武器,可以从有限的防空区外投掷,准确地攻击各种地面和水面目标。 这种 武器 使用通用的激光制导系统,只是气动力面(舵和弹翼)不同,以适应特定尺寸 炸弹 的需要,而且除普通炸弹战斗部外,所有其余的部件(激光导引头、控制舱、舵和尾部弹翼组合)均以成套制导附件形式由主承包商得克萨斯仪器公司提供。 宝石路激光制 …
如何评价FB-111轰炸机? - 知乎
该型号利用弹舱空间安装 AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack 吊舱,具备强大的精确打击能力。 共 18 架 F-111E 与 66 架 F-111F 参加了海湾战争,后者投放了整个空袭战役期间接近 80% 的激光制导炸弹,并在纵深精确打击的本职工作之余,顺手摧毁了超过 1500 台伊军坦克 & 装甲车辆。
USAF Target Designators and Precision Guided Munitions
The USAF also introduced more advanced targeting designation systems like the Pave Tack and LANTIRN. These new PGMs and systems produced unprecedented effects during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. For the first time, the general public saw the spectacular results of these weapons, leading to the widespread use of the term "smart weapons."
Pave Tack and the GBU-15 - Air Power Australia
Pave Tack will prove to be a valuable tool, extending the effective lifetime of the F-111C's analogue nav/attack until a suitable digital upgrade is carried out, aside from its inherent use as a reconnaissance system.
Pave Tack - Smart Weapons - Federation of American Scientists
2000年8月14日 · The Pave Tack system gave high-speed tactical aircraft the ability to acquire, recognize, and attack tactical targets during day, night, and adverse weather conditions. The Pave Tack pod was developed for common usage on the F-4E, RF-4C, and F-111F aircraft.
835. 美国空军与第二次抵消战略(上) - 凤凰网
2022年5月16日 · 例如,由福特航天公司(Ford Aerospace)研发制造的“铺路大头钉”(Pave Tack)吊舱说明美军在打击精度方面已经成熟了。 “铺路大头钉”吊舱融合了多种技术:前视红外技术、激光测距仪和激光指示器。