Negative‐Pressure‐Induced Large Polarization in Nanosized PbTiO3
2020年10月28日 · High-angle annular dark-field STEM images reveal the existence of preponderant PbO-terminations on the surface of the PbTiO 3 NPs. Ab initio calculation reveals the enhanced hybridization between Pb and O ions, which gives rise to the negative pressure and tensile stress to stabilize the high tetragonality and large polarization.
Creating polar antivortex in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice - Nature
2021年4月6日 · Here we successfully create previously unrealized polar antivortices within the SrTiO3 of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices, accomplished by carefully engineering their thicknesses guided by...
光催化! 李灿院士团队,最新Nature子刊! - 知乎专栏
2025年2月17日 · 基于此, 中国科学院大连化物所 李灿 院士与 范峰滔 研究员等人 通过在铁电材料PbTiO3(PTO)表面选择性地生长 SrTiO3 (STO)纳米层,可以有效减少Ti位点缺陷,并构建一个更高效的电子传输通道,进而显著提升其光催化水分解效率。
PbTiO3/SrTiO3 (010)异质界面上的周期性失配位错及电子富集
本文采用球差矫正透射电镜 (STEM)以及电子能量损失谱 (EELS)研究了 (010)晶面PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 异质界面上的周期性失配位错的原子结构及电荷分布。 分析结果发现在 a [001]位错核区域及其附近,可能存在着电子富集的现象,该现象可能会提高位错线上的电子电导率,该结果对于探究位错对铁电异质结体系物理性质的影响具有意义。 关键词: PbTiO 3 ;...
Thickness-dependent a1/a2 domain evolution in ferroelectric PbTiO3 …
2017年6月1日 · In this paper, PbTiO 3 thin films with variant thicknesses are deposited on (110)-oriented GdScO 3 substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and investigated by using conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Cs-corrected Scanning TEM.
Quantification of flexoelectricity in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 ... - Nature
2017年11月13日 · Here, we show the presence of flexoelectricity in the recently discovered polar vortices in PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 superlattices based on a combination of machine-learning analysis of the atomic-scale...
High-resolution HAADF-STEM imaging a, Atomically
We investigate nanoscale domain engineering via epitaxial coupling in a set of SrRuO3/PbTiO3/SrRuO3 heterostructures epitaxially grown on (110)o-oriented DyScO3 substrates. The SrRuO3 layer...
Self-assembled three-dimensional framework of PbTiO3:ε-Fe2O3 ...
2021年4月1日 · Atomic-resolution STEM images in conjunction with elemental maps are performed to figure out the interfacial structure and composition distributions (Fig. 2a, c). We first take a close look into the blue square (Fig. 1e), which shows an oblique PTO/ε-FO boundary.
通过像差校正的 HAADF-STEM 成像揭示 PbZr 0.52 Ti 0.48 O 3 /PbTiO 3 …
在这项工作中,我们在 SrRuO3 缓冲的 SrTiO3 (001) 衬底上制备了 PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/PbTiO3 (PZT/PTO) 超晶格。 像差校正的高角度环形暗场扫描透射电子显微镜 (HAADF-STEM) 显示超晶格在 c(面外极性方向)和 a(面内极性方向)域中都是相干的。
Polarization switching in PbTiO3: an ab initio finite element ...
2002年6月28日 · We use this approach to study the hysteresis of single-crystal PbTiO 3 as a function of applied electric field and temperature and we analyze the microscopic mechanisms responsible for polarization switching. The model successfully reproduces the qualitative features of a high-strain actuator recently proposed and tested experimentally. 1.
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