The Online service provide you with the opportunity to access and manage your bank account anytime and anywhere through our completely free internet banking, while guaranteeing a …
PBZ Banking. Bank anytime, anywhere with the PBZ Mobile App. Secure logins, instant transfers, bill payments and more - all at your fingertips. PBZ Banking is your secure and reliable …
Peoples Bank of Zanzibar | Welcome
The People’s Bank of Zanzibar Limited (PBZ) was established on 30th June 1966 in accordance with the Zanzibar companies Decree (Cap 153). PBZ is 100% owned by the Government of …
The People’s Bank of Zanzibar Limited (PBZ) was established on 30th June 1966 in accordance with the Zanzibar companies Decree (Cap 153). PBZ is 100% owned by the Government of …
Peoples Bank of Zanzibar | Welcome
PBZ mobile banking is the service that permits customers to access their PBZ accounts information via mobile phones. PBZ customers can access his/her Bank account anywhere …
People's Bank of Zanzibar - Wikipedia
The People's Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ) is a commercial bank in Tanzania. It is licensed by the Bank of Tanzania, the central bank and national banking regulator. [1] As of June 2014, PBZ was a …
PBZ | Retail - Privredna banka Zagreb
Contract a free current account PBZ Mladi and PBZ Digital Banking. It's free for all from 18 - 25 years old! Pay at once. Divide into installments later. Split the cost of online purchase or …
People’s Bank of Zanzibar Limited (PBZ) Contact, Location, address
Wholly owned by the Government of Zanzibar, PBZ is one of the oldest commercial Banks in Tanzania. The bank served as both commercial Bank and a central Bank of the Revolutionary …
PBZ INTERNET BANKING is the online banking services that allow customers to access his/her bank accounts through internet 24 hours a day either at home or office and accessible …
PBZ Internet Banking - Privredna banka Zagreb
Pristupi svojem računu bilo gdje i s bilo kojeg uređaja (računalo, mobitel ili table). Novo internetsko bankarstvo dostupno je u svakom trenutku. Stalno razvijamo i dodajemo nove …