WWI British Colour Scheme - PC10 Explained - RCU Forums - RC …
2005年1月27日 · RC Scale Aircraft - WWI British Colour Scheme - PC10 Explained - A while back I asked if anyone had any solid information on the correct rendering of the WWI paint applied to RFC and RAF aircraft and referred to as "Protective Covering #10" or PC10 for short. The result of that question was a lot of
Color: British PC10 "Standard Khaki" - Colors and Markings
2016年5月9日 · Why is there so much confusion over what color PC10 should be? The specification for PC10 (Protective Coating Spec. No. 10) is fairly well defined. But the spec only outlined what proportions of each pigment should be used (and it was slightly modified over time.) The Yellow Ochre (iron oxide) can have different proportions of Fe 2 O 3. The ...
PC10 - Aircraft WWI - Britmodeller.com
2010年12月14日 · G.A.G.Cox's 1957 scale drawings accompanying the article refer to the top surface colour as "Khaki green" and I have seen this term given as the official colour description of PC10 in other references.
PC10 paint mix and Gunze paints? - Aircraft WWI
2019年3月21日 · The new service colour of the British vehicles is called brown by the way, but to be honest I find this one a tan ochre. Yes, Archer's swatch of PC10 shows a more "brownish" hint than the olive drab 22 swatch has on the same page, but it is still an olive drab, not brown imho. Calling OD a brown or a green depends on other colours next to it.
Best Paint for PC-10 - Aircraft WWI - Britmodeller.com
2012年11月7日 · I'm looking to complete my WnW SE5a soon. I'd like the best acrylic paint for PC-10, and I want the 'greenish' version of this finish rather than the 'brownish' version. I don't want to mix paints to get the colour, so the question is what's the best Vallejo or Tamiya paint for this shade of green? Thanks very much.
PC10 - wwi-cookup.com
PC-10 was more of an idea than a color. Since usually mixed in the field for repairs and refits, it rarely was consistant. Sometimes I varry multiple models in a flight (I use my models for wargaming) just because of this. One can also mix a different color for a wing to represent recovering a wing's fabric in the field.
Q: What paints to use for British upper surfaces? (PC10)
2005年1月18日 · That's "basic" PC10. Polly Scale makes a color real close to this. The actual color could, and did, vary quite a bit but remained that "basic" green. The brown shades were PC12 (a red-brown), used mainly in the Middle East. Take the Polly Scale PC10 and add a little dark green, or PC10 and add a little brown, and you won't be far off the mark.
RCU Forums - WWI British Colour Scheme - PC10 Explained
2005年1月28日 · WWI British planes should be BROWN and not the olive green that is commonly seen on a lot of pictures and models. Methuen 3 (E/F)8 to almost 5F8, or as (nearest FS595a) 14087 (average). Most model paint ranges cover this colour. "Unbleached linen fabric, doped" is given as being near to FS595a 13617. I feel much better now that I know that.:)
PC-10 - The Unofficial Airfix Modellers' Forum
2013年1月5日 · PC10 was the 'standard' topside coloured dope used on British WWI aircraft. It is an olive drab/darkish green type of colour, that faded over time to a more brownish colour. See this discussion at Britmodeller:
experience/advice PC-10 old color - RCU Forums - RC Universe
2009年6月30日 · PC10 color is right when you cannot tell if its dark green or dark brown or a dark gray. In some instances, it will look like it could be brown, another instance you think it might be green or gray. So what this PC10 color is, is called a "dirty" color. That means it has overly reduced color saturation (reduced color brightness).