Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) - Pain Management Education …
PCA uses an infusion pump to deliver a pre-programmed dose of an opioid medication when a demand button is pushed. PCA modes of delivery include demand dosing and demand dosing plus continuous basal infusion. The minimal effective analgesic concentration (MEAC) is the lowest plasma opioid concentration at which pain relief can be achieved.
病人自控镇痛(Patient controlled analgesia,PCA)是一种经医护人员根据病人疼痛程度和身体情况,预先设置镇痛药物的剂量,再交由病人“自我管理”的一种疼痛处理技术。
具体介绍sklearn库中:主成分分析(PCA)的参数、属性、方法_sklearn pca …
2020年3月14日 · 主成分分析(Principal components analysis,以下简称PCA)的思想是将n维特征映射到k维上(k<n),这k维是全新的正交特征 (新的坐标系)。 这k维特征称为主元,是重新构造出来的k维特征,而不是简单地从n维特征中去除其余n-k维特征。 实现这思想的方法就是降维,用低维的数据去代表高维的数据,也就是用少数几个变量代替原有的数目庞大的变量,把重复的信息合并起来,既可以降低现有变量的维度,又不会丢失重要信息的思想。 关于降维的原理和推 …
Patient-Controlled Analgesia - ScienceDirect
1992年6月1日 · When the patient's plasma concentration falls below MEAC, the patient rapidly appreciates pain (steep concentration-analgesic response relation). Thus, patients use PCA to titrate their plasma concentration of opioid around MEAC. PCA provides more constant plasma levels of opioid": 44. 45 and more consistent analgesia."
Post-Operative Pain Management Using Patient-Controlled Analgesia
2008年7月1日 · The PCA paradigm was described as the goal of achieving plasma opioid concentrations as close as possible to the MEAC, but always above the maximum concentration of pain. The absolute plasma opioid concentration for the maximum concentration of pain and MEAC showed great variability between patients in this study.
Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) in Acute Pain ... - IntechOpen
2017年5月24日 · Patient‐controlled analgesia (PCA) is an effective strategy for postoperative analgesia, since it may provide suitable analgesic dose just after system activation, with reduced periods of pain and an increase in patients’ satisfaction.
Minimum effective concentration (MEC) and minimum effective …
MEAC can be determined by constant-rate infusions of the opioid until steady-state concentrations are reached, at which time the drug concentration will have equilibrated between plasma and...
[Postoperative patient controlled analgesia] - PubMed
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) helps patients to achieve a better comfort both at rest and when dynamic pain is concerned. This aim can be reached by closing the feedback loop in a shorter time. The purpose is to keep drug concentration in the narrow therapeutic range of MEAC (minimal effective …
[要旨]PCAによる術後疼痛管理を行うためには,術中に鎮痛薬をローディング投与 し,覚醒時に鎮痛薬の効果部位濃度をMEAC(minimum effective analgesic concentration)付近にしておく必要がある.モルヒネを用いる場合は,覚醒30〜
1999年4月1日 · MEAC. This is the essence of the PCA paradigm (Fig. 2). By permitting patients to self-administer a small dose of IV opioid at frequent intervals (e.g., morphine, 1 to 2 mg every 5 to 12 minutes), PCA effectively addresses these issues. Moreover, because pain is an internal,