PCF 200, Tube PCF200; Röhre PCF 200 ID3455, Triode-Pentode ...
Tube PCF 200 or Röhre PCF200 ID3455, Triode-Pentode, Dekal, B10C and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
PCF200 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The PCF200 was designed for use in multiple stages of a television receiver. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the B10B base pins, is 46 mm tall. Reference: …
PCF200 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The PCF200 was designed for use in multiple stages of a television receiver. The expanded mesh screen covers both sections. In this image the triode is on the right and the grid can be seen …
PG1N's HAM Radio Site - Tubes - PCF200
The PCF200 was designed as a frequency changer. The triode section forms the local oscillator and the pentode is used as the mixer. For VHF and UHF the pentode made a better mixer …
PCF200 /ECF200/ Triode-Pentode Macro Model Pentode DC Characteristics G1 Splash Current Output Characteristics Operating Characteristics 1. PCF200 Phase Splitter Circuit Triode DC …
- [PDF]
PCF200 - Tube Data
PCF200 page sheet date 1 1 1969.12 2 2 1969.12 3 3 1969.12 4 4 1969.12 5 5 1969.12 6 6 1969.12 7 7 1969.12 8 8 1969.12 9 FP 1999.08.01
PCF200 Teledyne LeCroy | Test and Measurement | DigiKey
PCF200 – Test Clip, Lead, Probe Calibration Unit for use with LeCroy Oscilloscopes from Teledyne LeCroy. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key …
PCF200 Teledyne LeCroy | 测试与计量 | DigiKey
来自 Teledyne LeCroy 的 PCF200 – 测试夹,引线,探针 校准单元 配用 LeCroy 示波器。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
Title: PCF200 Author: Mazda Belvu Subject: SM-FP-2003-04-12 Created Date: 1/24/2000 2:02:55 PM
HCS/PCF200/230光纤首页 - mormine.cn
常用于通信光纤的规格是200/230um,通过不同的结构设计和包覆,满足各种环境下的应用需求。 PCF光纤衰减较低小于10dB/km,可传输长距离可见光信号,在850nm波长环境下可传输距 …