PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
2024年11月20日 · The PCL-5 is a 20-item self-report measure that assesses the 20 DSM-5 symptoms of PTSD. The PCL-5 has a variety of purposes, including: The gold standard for …
Please read each one carefully, then circle one of the numbers to the right to indicate how much you have been bothered by that problem in the past month. ... PCL-S for DSM-IV (11/1/94) …
PCL-5 Instructions: Below is a list of problems that people sometimes have in response to a very stressful experience. Keeping your worst event in mind, please read each problem carefully …
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)* Patient Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________________ Instructions …
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PTSD Checklist _PCL_
The PCL (Weathers et al, 1993) is an easily administered self-report rating scale for assessing the 17 DSM-IV symptoms of PTSD. It has excellent test-retest reliability over a 2-3 day period.
PCL 有三个版本,分别是军队版 ( PCL-M,military version) ,主要用于应激性军事经历; 非军事性版 ( PCL-S,specific) ,可以用于任何特殊性创伤事件; 民用版 ( PCL-C ,civilian) ,用 …
What is the PCL? The PCL is a 17-item self-report measure of the 17 DSM-IV symptoms of PTSD. The PCL has a variety of purposes, including: Screening individuals for PTSD. …
PTSD Checklist--Specific Version - APA PsycNet
The PTSD Checklist – Specific (PCL-S; Weathers et al, 1993) is a 17-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess PTSD symptomatology. Items correspond to DSM-IV PTSD …
PCL-S | PTSD Checklist - Specific version described in ePROVIDE
Access up-to-date information on the PTSD Checklist - Specific version (PCL-S): copyright, licensing, scoring, translations, ...
The PCL is a standardized self-report rating scale for PTSD comprising 17 items that correspond to the key symptoms of PTSD. Two versions of the PCL exist: 1) PCL-M is specific to PTSD …