PCM4202 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The PCM4202 is a high-performance, stereo audio analog-to-digital (A/D) converter designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The PCM4202 architecture utilizes a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator per channel, incorporating a novel density modulated dither scheme for improved dynamic performance.
The PCM4202 is a high-performance, stereo audio analog-to-digital (A/D) converter designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The PCM4202 architecture utilizes a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator per channel, incorporating a novel density modulated dither scheme for improved dynamic performance.
PCM4202DBR_TI (德州仪器)_PCM4202DBR中文资料_PDF手册_价 …
PCM4202EVM 评估板 | TI.com.cn
The PCM4202EVM provides a convenient platform for evaluating the performance and functionality of the PCM4202 device. The EVM has two differential analog input channels corresponding to Left and Right analog input channels.
PCM4202DB_TI (德州仪器)_PCM4202DB中文资料_PDF手册_价格
pcm4202 高性能24位216khz采样立体声音频模数转换器. smt扩展库; 嘉立创smt补贴; pcb免费打样; 描述. pcm4202 118db snr 立体声音频 adc. 品牌名称 ti(德州仪器) 商品型号. pcm4202db; 商品编号. c1540095; 商品封装. ssop-28; 包装方式. 管装. 商品毛重. 0.001克(g)
PCM4202DBR_TI (德州仪器)_PCM4202DBR中文资料_PDF手册_价格 …
PCM4202 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The PCM4202 is a high-performance, stereo audio analog-to-digital (A/D) converter designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The PCM4202 architecture utilizes a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator per channel, incorporating a novel density modulated dither scheme for improved dynamic performance.
PCM4202 Datasheet(PDF) - Burr-Brown (TI)
Description: High-Performance 24-Bit, 216kHz Sampling Stereo Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter. Manufacturer: Burr-Brown (TI).
The PCM4202 is a high-performance, stereo audio analog-to-digital (A/D) converter designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The PCM4202 architecture utilizes a 1 bit delta-sigma modulator per channel, incorporating a novel density modulated dither scheme for improved dynamic performance.
The PCM4202 is a high-performance,two-channelstereo audio analog-to-digital(A/D) converter designed for use in professional and broadcast audio applications. The PCM4202 features simultaneous 24-bitlinear PCM or 1-bitDirect Stream Digital (DSD) data output for both channels.
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