Dept of Environmental Protection - pa
Welcome to DEP's Oil and Gas Mapping Website. This interactive website shows the location of both conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells, including producing and non …
ESA Search Viewer - pa
DEP's Environmental Site Assessment Search Tool allows consultants conducting Phase I environmental site assessments and interested members of the public access to information …
Overview - pa
The Layers tab displays groups of data layers available for selection. Selecting a data layer displays related data points on the map. A layer name listed in black is visible at the current …
PA Oil and Gas Mapping
County, Municipality and Operator Search will display only wells in the selected county and municipality with the selected operator that meet the search criteria submitted and sho
depgisprd. prod 001
Theme layers applied, you may need to zoom into a specific area for them to be visible. OK. Josh Shapiro, Governor Jessica Shirley, Acting Secretary DEP Home Help
Next select municipality. Only municipalities in selected county with AULs are listed:
collected for two purposes: (1) determine the cause(s) for the SMB population decline and (2) assessing the uses of the Susquehanna River. To achieve the first goal, DEP requested …
Water Quality Standards DEP’s Water Quality Division, located in the Bureau of Clean Water, develops, reviews and maintains Pennsylvania’s water quality standards (WQS), including …
The Susquehanna River Story: Pennsylvania's Chronicle - pa
The Susquehanna River starts in Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, New York and flows 284 miles through Pennsylvania before reaching Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay. 27,400 square …