How to Attend PDOS (Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar)
Attending an orientation session known as the ‘Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)’ is a prerequisite for anyone planning to work or settle in a foreign country. This is a prerequisite for overseas Filipino workers who wish to find employment in a different nation.
How to Apply Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) Training
The OWWA Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) is a mandatory seminar for all Filipinos who are going to work abroad. The seminar provides important information and advice on how to prepare for a successful overseas deployment.
How to Apply OWWA Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)
How to Join PDOS Seminar in the Philippines for Household Workers. Step 1: Your recruitment agency will schedule you for the Pre-Departure Orientation Program. Step 2: Your agency will automatically inform you of your PDOS schedule. Be prepared for the orientation, here is the download link for Zoom App https://play.google.com/store/apps ...
Understanding Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS): A …
2 天之前 · The Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) represents a crucial milestone in every Overseas Filipino Worker’s journey. This mandatory seminar, distinct from the earlier PEOS requirement, provides essential information and preparation specifically tailored to your destination country and job category.
OWWA Pre-Departure Education Program - OWWA Online
Country-Specific Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) consists of a one-day comprehensive orientation for OFWs about their employment contract, country profile, health and safety, financial literacy, travel tips, and other relevant and vital information to assist and prepare them for their departure.
PDOS Seminar Registration Online | OFWs Group Portal
Learn about the PDOS process, its types, the online version, benefits, requirements, qualifications, and steps to attend the PDOS for various categories of workers and emigrants by reading until the end of this guide. 1. Country-Specific PDOS. 2. Comprehensive Pre-departure Education Program (CDEP) How Does Online PDOS Work? 1.
Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) - HelperChoice
What is Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)? PDOS is short for Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar, which is a compulsory programme domestic helpers must take before given clearance to exit the Philippines for work abroad. The seminar is specific to region or country, meaning there are different seminars for different domestic work destinations.
PDOS: Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar for OFWs
Participating in the PDOS equips these individuals with invaluable knowledge and skills essential for a successful transition into their new work environment. Understanding how to attend this seminar is important so you can come prepared and know what to expect.
Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) | OWWA - Overseas …
a mandatory orientation seminar aimed to orient departing migrant workers with basic information that are most beneficial to them, e.g. work standards, the general profile of the country of destination, stages of the OFW’s life abroad, health & safety, travel tips, airport procedure, and government programs & services.
How to Join PDOS Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar
Step 1: You will be scheduled for the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar by your recruitment agency. Step 2: You will be informed immediately by the agency when the PDOS will be conducted.