Peak 2016 Scale Loupe 15X
The 2016 Peak Scale Loupe is a wide field (20 mm) magnifying glass of magnifying power 15X combined with a graduated scale glass selectable from among five different kinds. To enable the sharp observation of the entire field of a 14mm diameter object magnified 15 times.
Peak 1962 Loupe 15X
15x Loupe utilizes a three-element, two group achromatic optical glass construction. Bright, sharp, loupe with a 360 degree clear acrylic base to admit light from all directions.
Amazon.com: Peak 15x Loupe
Double Lens Silver Loupe for Eyeglasses | 5X & 10x Magnification, 15x Combined View | Attachable Clip Design | Scratch-Resistant Grip | Ideal for Watchmakers, Jewelers & More
Peak 2023 Flashlight Loupe 15X
15x High Resolution Loupe with a coated achromatic lens-2 component, 3 element construction. Includes illumination device using two C cell 1.5 volt batteries as the power source. Convenient for use under poor light conditions. Replacement bulb and clear plastic shirt listed below. Currently 2023 has an extended delivery of 3-6 months.
PEAK 放大镜2016-15X'【价格 采购 图片】-立创MRO工业品
2016-15X由Peak Electronic设计生产,立创MRO工业品采购平台现货销售。 2016-15X价格参考¥406.6。 Peak Electronic 2016-15X参数名称:材质:ABS;放大倍率:15X;最大测量范围:14mm;最小刻度值:0.1mm。
PEAK 各種ルーペ - 測定・切削・工具の東洋工販株式会社
アクリールスカートにより,明るく観察できる高倍万能ルーぺ。 2群3枚構成。 コーテッド・アクロマート・レンズ。 高倍率で諸収差少なく精密諸工程の点検に最適。 ライトルーぺ10× ルーぺ10×に照明装置がプラスされ,光量不足の場合に検査機能を充分に発揮する。 乾電池(単2)2本使用。 写真印刷による目盛を透明ガラスに刻み,被測定物にのせて拡大鏡により照合観察。 50㎜より1000㎜等。 2群3枚構成のケルネルタイプ。 焦点調節輪により被倹物とスケー …
PEAK必佳2016-15X手持放大镜 这是同一系统的峰规模的放大倍数,即一次放大到7倍或10倍,到15倍,并且还可以清晰看到直径为14厘米的圆形视场的边缘。
PEAK Scale Loupe (Measuring Magnifier), 15X with Standard …
The PEAK Measuring Magnifier, sometimes called the PEAK Scale Loupe, is a wide field magnifier with a cross hair reticle with metric divisions and featuring a magnification of 15x. By placing the magnifier onto a flat surface with features to be measured. One can measure distance or other dimensions through the use of interchangeable reticles.
スケールルーペ 15X 東海産業(PEAK) スケールルーペ/ピークルー …
像面湾曲と色収差を殆ど完全に補正した、広角型高倍率ルーペ。 マルチ・コーティング、3群4枚構成。 ※代金引換でのご注文の場合は翌日以降の出荷となる場合もございます。 毎月抽選 …
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PEAK TS1962 Fixed Focus Loupe, 15X Magnification, 0.75" Lens …
2003年6月17日 · PEAK fixed focus loupe. 360 degree clear acrylic base admits light from all directions. Optical quality glass lens elements. Coated achromatic lenses. 15X magnification. 0.75" lens diameter. 0.79" field of view. 3 lens optical system. Measures 1-21/64" diameter by 1-13/32" height. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video!
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