Towards understanding the effects of heat and humidity on
2019年7月15日 · Ageing of pyrotechnic substance, primarily fuel oxidisation, can cause changes in composition that degrade their performance. This study investigates the effect of ageing on zirconium potassium...
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Critical Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Thermal ...
2021年6月30日 · In this study, critical aging effects on zirconium potassium perchlorate (ZPP), one of the representative materials among NASA standard pyrotechnic initiators were provided. Especially, the hygrothermal aging effects on the thermal performance and lifespan of ZPP were identified via thermal analysis.
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Towards understanding the effects of heat and humidity on …
2019年7月15日 · In the hygrothermal ageing process, these results indicate that the exothermic reaction of the unreacted KClO 4 (Peak 4) is the most significant reaction. Illustration of the relationship between...
Within-breath respiratory impedance and airway ... - ScienceDirect
2015年7月1日 · We evaluated the mean respiratory impedance (Zm) as well as values for the inspiration (Zi) and expiration cycles (Ze) at the beginning of inspiration (Zbi) and expiration (Zbe), respectively. The peak-to-peak impedance (Zpp=Zbe-Zbi) and the respiratory cycle dependence (ΔZrs=Ze-Zi) were also analyzed.
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Peak智客安卓中文版是由国外顶尖的神经学、认知学以及教育方面专家合作设计的一款非常经典的记忆力辅助游戏,拥有包括Bruce E. Wexler医学博士,耶鲁大学医学院荣誉退休教授,精神病学高级研究科学家,C8 Sciences创始人首席科学家等人在内的豪华科学顾问团 ...
Aging Mechanism of Zirconium Potassium Perchlorate Charge in ...
2018年5月6日 · The aging mechanism of zirconium potassium perchlorate (ZPP), which is one of the primary charges in pyrotechnic mechanical devices, was investigated in terms of spontaneous aging and aging under high-humidity conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments revealed an exothermic oxidation reaction related to explosion.