Peas are the worst vegetable. : r/unpopularopinion - Reddit
2020年10月17日 · Peas are the worst vegetable. They don't add anything to most meals, all they do is make things worse. Maybe I have only had shit peas in my life, but they always taste chalky to me. They are pathetic. A waste of time. The only time peas are acceptable is when they're fresh from the pod. Archived post.
Pea crab - Wikipedia
The pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum, is a small crab in the family Pinnotheridae that lives as a parasite in oysters, clams, mussels, and other species of bivalves. [2] Pea crabs are small crustaceans about the size of a pea or dime, with a "smooth dorsal surface of the carapace, or upper exoskeleton". [3] .
“拉屎”英语怎么说?shit? - 知乎专栏
大部分情况下,crap和shit是同义词,比如这些用法几乎都是通用的: take a shit/crap. give someone shit/crap. be full of shit/crap. look like shit/ ...... 还有一个非常有意思的现象——shit这个词不仅会用来联想不好的事物,其实它也常常能跟好的事物放到一起。 比如说,你可以经常在英语中听到 “This is really good shit”,但不会有人说“This is really good crap”。 你可能听过 “He really knows his shit”,但是不会有人说 “He really knows his crap”...... 所以,这两个词算得上是“相爱 …
Why are peas so hated? : r/AskUK - Reddit
I always hated peas growing up and couldn't understand how anyone liked them, they were hard and bitter. Then I realised it was because my mom would cook them in a fully boiling pan for 20 minutes. Give them 3 minutes simmering in some boiling water and they are perfect, even more so with a drop of butter on them after serving.
英语口语如何表达大小便礼貌?pee piss shit defecate 怎么用?
pee是动词,意为尿尿,piss是名词,意为尿,二者都是口语。shit意为屎(名)或拉屎(动),不仅是口语,而且是粗话甚至脏话。defecate意为排便(拉屎),是学术用语,与之对应的urinate是排尿。文雅而不学术的说法,排便是have a bowel movement,尿尿用pee就可以了
“屎”用英语怎么说? - 知乎专栏
据专门研究“屎”的人士所述,crap跟shit差不多,都是比较粗俗表达方式,但没有“shit”那么“臭”。 The word crap is a word closely associated with the word shit but does not have as bad a reputation.
Peas and Carrots - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The slang term "Peas and Carrots" is a derogatory phrase used to describe a relationship between two individuals who are perceived as being too close or friendly with each other. It is often used to mock or belittle the relationship, implying that it is childish or overly affectionate.
Why are my peas looking like crap? : r/gardening - Reddit
2020年4月17日 · 5.9M subscribers in the gardening community. A place for the best guides, pictures, and discussions of all things related to plants and their care.
CRAP中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
crap翻译:固体废物, 排泄物,粪便,屎;排泄, 不好的, 废物,垃圾;蹩脚货;废话,胡扯, 游戏, 蹩脚的,糟糕的, 不老练的;不熟练的;混乱的, 拉屎。 了解更多。
The Experimental Method | Chapter 1 | Biff Spork - iomfats.org
What is the point of peas? I have probs sitting down at a table lately. It's like there's a button on my arse — sitting down on it makes my pecker stand up. It knows it's under the table and can't be seen, so it's down there boinging and sproinging. It's struggling to get out, and my mom is saying, "Here, have some peas." "I hate peas."