peccatum - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年3月6日 · From peccō (“offend, sin”). Omnis quī facit peccātum servus est peccātī. Everyone who does sin is a slave of sin. Second-declension noun (neuter). peccatum in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
peccatum 拉丁-中文 含義 | Goong.com - 新一代詞典
在古典拉丁語中,“Peccatum est natura humana.” 的翻譯為「罪是人性。 」這句話強調了「罪」與人類本性的關聯,反映了古代對人性及道德的思考。 此外,在基督教文獻中,會討論「原罪」(peccatum originale)的概念,這一點在基督宗教信仰中是核心教義之一。 在翻譯為繁體中文時,形態變化影響了名詞的具體上下文和數量,例如單數形式通常指一項罪行,而複數形式可能指多項罪行。 “culpa”:意為「過錯」,在某些上下文中可與「罪」交替使用。 “delictum”:指「犯 …
What does peccatum mean in Latin? - WordHippo
Need to translate "peccatum" from Latin? Here are 8 possible meanings.
中文 中的 Peccatum, 例句, 拉丁语 - 中文 字典 | Glosbe
在“Peccatum"的上下文中翻译为 中文:Nemo solus peccat. ↔ 沒有人是獨自犯罪。
peccatum, peccati [n.] O - Latin is Simple Online Dictionary
peccatum, peccati [n.] O Noun. ~ Cicero, Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino.
peccatum,恶行;罪过;罪行;过错,元照英美法词典 - 免费在线 …
peccatum in Chinese - Latin-Chinese Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'peccatum' translations into Chinese. Look through examples of peccatum translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
peccatum (Latin): meaning, translation - WordSense
What does peccatum mean? From peccō ("offend, sin"). Opus iusti ad vitam, fructus autem impii ad peccatum. Non eorum est peccatum. Fuit meum solius peccatum. Dixit itaque Dominus: …
pecco, peccas, peccare A, peccavi, peccatum - Latin is Simple
1. 2. 3. Simult. (Present) Anter. (Perfect) Post. (Future) Sg. Gerund forms only exist in singular. Sg. pecca! peccate!
English to Latin Meaning of sin - peccatum
The meaning of sin in latin is peccatum. What is sin in latin? See pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, definitions of sin in latin