Pedea - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Treatment of a haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborn infants less than 34 weeks of gestational age. This product is no longer an orphan medicine. It was originally designated an orphan medicine on 14 February 2001.
What is Pedea? Pedea is a solution for injection that contains the active substance ibuprofen. What is Pedea used for? Pedea is used to treat ‘patent ductus arteriosus’ in newborn premature babies who were born six or more weeks too early (less than 34 weeks gestational age).
国内独家 苑东生物布洛芬注射液获批用于早产新生儿动脉导管未 …
2023年11月20日 · 用于早产新生儿动脉导管未闭(PDA)适应症的布洛芬注射液最早由Orphan Europe S.A.R.L开发(2019年公司更名为“Recordati Rare Diseases”),产品Ibuprofen Solution For Injection于2004年首次在欧盟获批上市,商品名为Pedea,未进口中国。
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) is responsible for enforcing the country's drug laws and regulations.
Pedea - European Drugs Reference Encyclopedia
Pedea is used to treat ‘patent ductus arteriosus’ in newborn premature babies who were born six or more weeks too early (less than 34 weeks gestational age). Patent ductus arteriosus is a …
Pedea - Lekovi
Pedea, when given to your baby, can help to close the ductus arteriosus. The active substance in Pedea is ibuprofen. Pedea closes the ductus arteriosus by inhibiting the production of prostaglandin, a naturally occurring chemical in the body which keeps the ductus arteriosus open.
PEDEA - 使用說明, 藥品說明. P
在開Pedea之前 ® 應進行適當的超聲心動圖檢查, 為, 確認血流動力學顯著的動脈導管未閉並排除肺動脈高壓和其他先天性心臟缺陷並伴有動脈導管未閉.
Pedea injection 4x10mg/2ml(Ibuprofen 布洛芬注射液)
由于前列腺素在出生后参与动脉导管的持久性,因此认为这种作用是布洛芬在该适应症中的主要作用机理。 在40例早产儿的Pedea剂量反应研究中,与10-5-5 mg / kg剂量方案相关的动脉导管闭合率在妊娠27-29周的新生儿中为75%(6/8),妊娠24-26周的新生儿中有33%(2/6
As a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ibuprofen may mask the usual signs and symptoms of infection. Pedea must therefore be used cautiously in the presence of an infection (see also section 4.3). Pedea should be administered carefully to avoid extravasation and potential resultant irritation to tissues.
Pedea inj 10mg/2mL (專案進口用藥) - 藥品資訊與辨識 - 基督復臨 …
Pedea inj 10mg/2mL (專案進口用藥) - 藥品資訊與辨識 - 基督復臨安息日會醫療財團法人臺安醫院 Taiwan Adventist Hospital藥品外觀變更 2024-01-16