home - pedro lopes research
Associate Professor at University of Chicago (since 2019). Lead of the Human Computer Integration Lab in the Department of Computer Science. You can read my PhD thesis here …
Pedro Lopes - Department of Computer Science
Pedro Lopes is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. Pedro focuses on integrating interfaces with the human body—exploring the interface paradigm that …
Pedro Lopes | University of Chicago Global
Pedro Lopes is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, where he leads the Human Computer Integration lab, which focuses on the the research question: what if interfaces would …
pedro lopes research
The Human Computer Integration research lab is led by Prof. Pedro Lopes at the Computer Science Department of the University of Chicago. Our lab is a welcoming environment that …
pmasl (Pedro Lopes) · GitHub
Pedro Lopes is a Director of Engineering @salesforce; former Principal Architect @microsoft SQL DB engine / Query Processor; Author "Learn T-SQL Querying" book
Pedro Lopes's
Welcome to my professional website and blog! I am a physicist, educator, and an architect and manager of R&D organizations. I am currently employed at QuEra Computing. On this page …
Pedro Lopes | The University of Chicago Division of the Social …
Pedro Lopes is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. Pedro focuses on integrating interfaces with the human body—exploring the interface paradigm that …
Prof. at University of Chicago (since 2019) Office: JCL 365 / Lab: JCL 292 & 296. In my research group, we create interactive devices that integrate directly with the user’s body. These devices …
Pedro LOPES | Assistant Professor | PhD | University of Chicago, IL ...
I'm an HCI researcher at Hasso Plattner Institut, with Prof. Patrick Baudisch. I'm researching new interactive devices and bio-interfaces, such as muscle-interfaces that allow for miniaturization...
PedroLopes (Pedro Lopes) · GitHub
Professor at the University of Chicago's Computer Science Department. Runs the Human Computer Integration Lab: lab.plopes.org Teaches HCI, VR, electroni - PedroLopes.