Pei-Yin Lin - Google Scholar
Becoming Taiwan: From Colonialism to Democracy. Wiesbaden, 63-79.
Prof. LIN Pei Yin | Academic Staff - University of Hong Kong
Dr Lin Pei-yin joined the School of Chinese, HKU in 2012. Prior to HKU, she was Lecturer in the Department of East Asian Studies, Cambridge, an assistant professor in the department of …
Lin Pei-yin - Harvard-Yenching Institute
Lin Pei-yin is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKU, Pei-yin taught at the University of London, National University of …
尹佩林 - njupt.edu.cn
2021年7月10日 · Pei-lin Yin, Zhu-fang Cui, Hong-tao Feng, and Hong-shi Zong, The chiral phase transition of QED3 around the critical number of fermion flavors, Annals of Physics, 2014,...
Pei-Lin Yin (0000-0001-7198-8157) - ORCID
ORCID record for Pei-Lin Yin. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Pei-Lin Yin's research works | Nanjing University of Posts and ...
Pei-Lin Yin's 25 research works with 225 citations and 659 reads, including: \varDelta $$-Baryon axialvector and pseudoscalar form factors, and associated PCAC relations
Pei-Lin Yin - INSPIRE
Published in: Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 56 (2013) 1116-1119
Pei-yin LIN | IIAS
2020年1月9日 · Professor Pei-yin LIN holds the Chair of Taiwan Studies at IIAS and Leiden University from 1 September - 31 December 2020. From National Defense to Archipelago …
Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere
2021年2月24日 · Lin Pei-yin is Associate Professor at the School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong. She obtained her PhD from SOAS (University of London), and was a visiting scholar at …
Prof. LIN Pei Yin | Academic Staff - University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language Cinema, Cold War Sinophone Literary Production and Cultural Geopolitics, East Asian Comparative Literature, Gender and Ethnicity Studies, Modern and Contemporary …