Best Pen Vise for Drill Press? - The International Association of ...
2008年7月24日 · I tried it out this afternoon and it works great. I just stand the blank in the corner and clamp it to the jig with a c clamp. When I have the blank centered under the drill bit i then clamp the base to the drill press table. I drilled 8 blanks this afternoon and I never had to move the jig at all. I will try to make pics tomorrow and post them.
Pen Blank Sizing Jig | The International Association of Penturners
2010年12月3日 · Here is the PSI Pen Blank and Sizing Jig that runs $30. I was interested in this, but I am cheap. So in about 15-20 minutes, and some scrap pieces of wood laying around the shop, I created my own version. Works pretty good if I do say so myself. Here is my own simple version. Just used some scrap pieces of wood laying around the shop
A Simple & Precise Pen Blank Sizing & Cutting Bandsaw Sled
2021年8月12日 · The final result is a simple, small and easy to handle, spring-loaded blank sizing and cutting sled. As you can see in the photos here, in addition to the spring-loaded sizing feature, I added some miter-track rails made out of simple wood finished on johnson's paste wax, with a length across the back of those to act as a sled stop (to prevent cutting all the way through the stop block, or the ...
Segmented Pen Jig - The International Association of Penturners
2014年12月22日 · Thank you Chris for this excellent jig design. I just made mine and used HDPE from an Ikea cutting board ($1.49). The base measures 13" x 7.5". The height measures 3.5". Certainly, if only being used for pen blanks, this jig can be made a couple of inches shorter. This can clamp 2 blanks at a time.
Look into Rick Herrell’s pen blank sanding jig
2013年1月12日 · Please also note the following barrel trimming sleeves work great, with a spare mandrel mounted into Rick's jig. Using Rick's sanding jig, a mandrel loaded into the jig and this set, you can easily square up everything. This set was not available when Rick started making the jig, but it came out last year or so. There is a 9 piece and a 5 piece.
Rick Herrell's Blank Squaring Jig | The International Association of ...
2020年3月17日 · First, let me say that I am a big fan of Rick's blank squaring jig. I found that I was going through a lot of the HSS pen mills, and would randomly chew up a blank, both wood and "acrylic". When I first started using Rick's jig, I was a little bit curious as to how I was going to be able to tell when I was close to / finished sanding the blank ...
Pen blank squaring jig - The International Association of Penturners
2005年1月4日 · For the rod, I'm using the 7mm rod that came with my worthless PSI squaring jig. I mounted a small block of wood on the strip that slides in the channel (don't know proper terminology without more coffee:biggrin I drilled a 7mm hole through the block and glued a 7mm tube inside. The 7mm rod from the PSI rhomboiding jig goes through the tube.
2014年11月10日 · 5. It looks huge....if it is dedicated to pen blanks why do you need so much space. 6. I like the repeatability with insert idea, but it is imperative that the insert nestle into exactly the same place EVERY time, otherwise your repeatablity has gone out the window. 7. Do I understand this is based off of a Rockler jig as a base? Why not build ...
New squaring jig. | The International Association of Penturners
2020年5月10日 · The title is "New Pen Tube-Blank Squaring Jig - Inspired by KenB259" - Dave . D. duderubble Member. Joined
Neje rotary jig. | The International Association of Penturners
2009年7月2日 · My Jig fits all of the Neje style laser engravers. It is based on the design of my original band driven jig which has been proven to work very well, this can be seen by the various copies based on its band method of rotating the blank, this also includes the gantry style.