Penetration aid - Wikipedia
A penetration aid (or "penaid") is a device or tactic used to increase an aircraft's capability of reaching its target without detection, and in particular intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead's chances of penetrating a target's defenses. [1]
Cruise Missile Penaid Nonproliferation - RAND Corporation
2014年10月20日 · An attacker's missile-borne countermeasures to cruise missile defenses are known as penetration aids, or penaids. To support efforts to prevent the proliferation of penaid-related items, this research recommends controls on potential exports according to the structure of the international Missile Technology Control Regime.
Penaid Nonproliferation - RAND Corporation
2014年2月26日 · An attacker's missile-borne countermeasures to ballistic missile defenses are known as penetration aids, or penaids. To support efforts to prevent the proliferation of penaid-related items, this research recommends controls on potential exports according to the structure of the international Missile Technology Control Regime.
An attacker's missile-borne countermeasures to cruise missile defenses are known as penetration aids, or penaids. This research recommends export controls on penaid-related items under the Missile Technology Control Regime.
2014年4月17日 · referred to here as penaids. The subject of this documented briefing is an approach to hinder-ing the proliferation of cruise missile penaids, specifically by adding certain classes of penaid-relevant items and subitems to the Missile Technology Control Regime. A recent study by the
Cruise Missile Penaid Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of ...
This research describes an approach to hindering the spread of countermeasures against cruise missile defenses. Such countermeasures, when incorporated in an attacker s missile or employed in conjunction with such a missile, are called penetration aids, or penaids.
penetrations aids (penaids) cruise missiles remaito ensure that n viable delivery systems and discourage WMD proliferation. To control the threat, the project will define and prioritize which penaid technologies and equipment, if proliferated,would constitute the emerging threat to American cruise missiles. RAND will identify
Ukraine War Reveals Dangerous New Russian Ballistic Missile …
Russia’s only class of ground launched tactical ballistic missile the Iskander-M, which was previously deployed in conflicts in Syria and Georgia and represents one of the most heavily relied on assets in the Russian Army, has been revealed to have a force multiplying asset a penetration aid (PENAID) designed to help it confuse enemy ballistic m...
Cruise Missile Penaid Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of
An attacker’s missile-borne countermeasures to cruise missile defenses are known as penetration aids, or penaids. To support efforts to prevent the proliferatio...
PENAID Control & the MTCR - Arms Control Wonk
2014年3月28日 · PENAIDs are an important technology associated only with the sort of ballistic missiles captured under the MTCR. If one hopes that missile defense investments will deter, rather than spur, missile proliferation, the PENAID control is a must.