penn peerless no.9 - Pier and Surf Forum
2008年9月30日 · The 9MF and 9MS have the same stands as well as chromed brass spools. The new 9M has an aluminum spool. It's stand Part # 30N-9 is 2 7/16 " long. It has a 3.1:1 gear ratio, stainless pinion and bronze alloy main gear, and is rated for 275 yards of 15 lb. test. Even though it's Penn's smallest levelwind, its a pretty rugged little reel.
Penn Peerless No 9 - Pier and Surf Forum
2006年8月2日 · I have a Penn 10. Kind of like a Peerless 9 on steroids. The ten has ball bearings and is mag tuned. I have not used it yet but plan to use it on piers and bridges. I also have a Penn 209 which is the big brother of your Penn 9. I am going to use the 209 on bridges and piers. I would like to know what would be a good rod a Penn 9 or 10?
casting a 209 penn.... - Pier and Surf Forum
2007年11月30日 · I've got a 9M, its in good shape and all, no mags, and its a finicky caster at best. I'd opt for a Jigmaster or even an old Penn no.85. If you get an ebay Penn 85 you can just about bank on needing to buy an anti-reverse spring for it.
penn 9m | Pier and Surf Forum
2007年6月20日 · penn 9m Jump to Latest 539 views 0 replies 1 participant last post by big_b78 Jun 20, 2007
Penn 9M Level Wind | Pier and Surf Forum
2015年6月26日 · Member Classifieds ... Penn 9M Level Wind
Daiwa 600h vs. Penn 113 wide/114 wide, Daiwa 900h vs. Penn 9/0?
2009年5月15日 · The merit of the Daiwas is that they are all aluminum--not only the solidly built one piece frame, but also the sideplates. I've cracked the bakelite sideplate on a Penn(a model 9M) by dropping it. I've also had the little part of the sideplate that retains the eccentric break on two Penn reels, a 155 and again a 9M.
Casting a conventional | Pier and Surf Forum
2010年8月23日 · Inshore Saltwater Fishing ... Casting a conventional
Daiwa 600h vs. Penn 113 wide/114 wide, Daiwa 900h vs. Penn 9/0?
2008年4月9日 · Regarding Tracker 16's comment, the 9M isn't built nearly as strong as a Penn Senator.....I currently own those, 2 Jigmasters, a 4/0 and a 9/0 Senator and they are tough reels. Seeing the construction of the Daiwa Sealines I've been picking up for cheap on eBay has really caught my attention though, I just wish I knew someone who would make ...
Penn 525? | Pier and Surf Forum
2003年4月25日 · Penn 525? 2576 Views 13 Replies 13 Participants Last post by CrackerBob, May 1, 2003. AL_N_VB Discussion ...
Surf Casting Penn Fathoms | Pier and Surf Forum
2024年9月24日 · Surf Casting Penn Fathoms Jump to Latest 2.4K views 19 replies 11 participants last post by pcbtightlines Mar 14, 2025