Pentax 645N AF - KenRockwell.com
The Pentax 645N is a huge step forwards from the earlier Pentax 645. The Pentax 645N adds autofocus, matrix metering, a shutter-speed knob, an exposure compensation knob, a self timer, a much brighter and sharper viewfinder with far more …
Pentax 645N - Pentax 645 Medium Format - Pentax Camera …
2024年8月23日 · The Pentax 645 lenses are highly regarded, and the 645N has a wide range of from 35mm (22mm equiv) to 200mm (125mm equiv), that are very inexpensive and readily available on the used market. Other sizes include 45mm (28mm equiv), 55mm (35mm equiv), 75mm (47mm), 120mm (75mm), 150mm (94mm).
Pentax 645 - Wikipedia
The Pentax 645 is a medium format single-lens reflex system camera manufactured by Pentax. It was introduced in 1984, along with a complementary line of lenses . It captures images nominally 6 cm × 4.5 cm on 120 , 220, and 70 mm film, though the …
Pentax 645N Film Camera Review - Shoot It With Film
2021年12月3日 · The Pentax 645N is a medium format SLR camera with autofocus, creating 6×4.5 format images. The camera most commonly uses a 75mm F2.8 lens and is compatible with other Pentax 645 lenses and backs. This camera uses a shutter-speed knob ranging from 4 seconds to 1/1000th of a second and has an LCD viewfinder that showcases the shutter speed ...
Pentax 645N - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2021年10月16日 · The 645N is a auto focus medium format SLR film camera released by Pentax on 6 December 1997 in Japan, and introduced in the US in February 1998. It is based on the previous Pentax 645 model which is a manual focus camera.
宾得645N规格参数 - xitek.com
Pentax 645N,以645的优良设计为根基,添加更多先进功能,其中包括精确的自动对焦系统。645N是世界第一部可更换镜头的自动对焦中画幅单反相机。...(详细内容)
Pentax 645N Review: The Modern Face of Classic Photography
2023年12月28日 · The Pentax 645 is a medium format SLR film camera that features auto and manual focus on a list of mount-specific lenses. It also has auto advance and rewind, it also has aperture-priority and shutter-priority modes. The frame has a ratio of 6×4.5cm so in a 120 film you get 16 shots (and 32 shots in 220).
宾得645N II网友点评 - xitek.com
宾得 645n ii 综述 自从1997年Pentax 645N问世以来,由于它强大的自动功能和配套镜头的出色表现,获得了广大用户的好评,但是没有MLU,不能换背等缺点。 因此Pentax推出了645N的改进型号645N II,增加了以下的功能:增加了反光镜锁,使用望远头是可以减少震动。
Pentax 645/645N/645 N II_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2004年5月15日 · Pentax 645. #p# 645N 采用了Pentax SAFOX IV相位检测AF模块,配合光敏电阻。影象经过镜头直接投射到三枚排列为H形的光敏电阻上,可以检测 水平和垂直线条,AF检测范围为EV 1~EV 18。 645N 配有6分区测光系统,分成宽区和窄区,还有1%的点测光。 曝光曲线
Pentax 645N and Pentax 645D – From Analog to Digital - 35mmc
2022年11月7日 · In this article I am going to talk about the Pentax 645N and Pentax 645D. The use of ‘and’ in the title rather than ‘vs’ is intentional. This is not a competition. It is also not an attempt to convince anyone that this mount is a superior option to other systems. I am firmly Team “Whatever Floats Your Boat”.