Pentacon Six or Pentax 6x7?
Pentax 67II, Exakta 66 and Pentacon Six side by side, each with their standard lens. The Exakta 66 had a choice of four different standard lenses (see here ) and here we see it with its top standard lens, the Schneider-Kreuznach 80mm f/2.8 Xenotar MF.
135转120胶片,645、66、67等经典画幅该如何选择? - 知乎
66画幅: 基本上为全手动机器,操控感强,能拍12-13张(看品牌),重量适中(1200g-1800g),价格区间大,有便宜有贵。 个人来说推荐使用66画幅,原因如下:
Camera review: The Pentacon Six TL, a (hopefully ... - EMULSIVE
2019年5月2日 · As mentioned above the Pentacon Six TL is an SLR type medium format camera that produces 6×6 negatives on either 120 or 220 film. Like the Pentax 67, the Pentacon 6 TL is like a “supersized” 35mm camera and as such, has …
Pentax 66? - Medium Format - Photo.net
2001年9月28日 · Pentax should produce as a next generation camera. The new model has . a waist-level finder and interchangeable backs. It features an . aperture-priority automatic exposure control and manual control modes . with through-the-lens, open aperture metering system which offers an . 1/3 stop increment exposure compensation system . This was his
宾得67系列 6×7 67 67ll 有哪些区别?从性价比来说推荐那款?
1969年7月,为庆贺公司成立50周年,日本Asahi Optical(旭光学)公司推出了Pentax 6X7中幅单反机;期间经过了两次改良,出现了三种版本的Pentax 67相机,其区别如下:
Find out all about the PENTAX Limited-series lenses, featuring rich, stiring visual expressions and a high-grade machined aluminum lens barrel. Assuring creative diversity in all types of photography. Top-rated optical performance and remarkable reliability to support your distinctive photographic style
我与胶片机——说说Pentax和Pentax 67 - 什么值得买
2020年3月10日 · Pentax 67是一台T型单反. 形似一个倒着的“T”字,一横用来操作、握持和安装 胶卷,一竖乃是包含镜头、反光板、五棱镜、曝光窗的光轴,一横一竖交汇的丁字路口就是胶片。 优点很多:操作便捷、握持性好、结构简单、重量小。 缺点嘛,外形不规则,拍摄过程中不能更换胶卷。 在今天的数码年代,但大部分数码单反,乃至微单仍然使用T型布置,比如: 富士XT-30微单. 顾名思义,装胶卷的部位—— 后背 可以拆下来并更换,可以让摄影师适应不同照度环境,在 …
潘太克斯惹人醉——PENTAX 67 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
爱克山太66的镜头是由德国著名的光学大厂 施耐德 设计制造的,成像水平绝对可以虐翻潘太康的耶拿和宾得的太苦玛,但是一分钱一分货,售价价格也是贵得一笔,不过和情怀厂可口可乐比还嫩。
PENTAX DSLR接手动镜头俱乐部(第六期) - 无忌摄影论坛
2010年8月18日 · 在大家的努力下,手动俱乐部又到了第6期。可喜可贺。众人拾柴火焰高。 宾得的相机以兼容性好而著称,这是它的一大显著优势,而宾得的老镜头也以做工精良,手感上乘称雄.加之p镜的独特的成像风格.吸引了一大批p家拥粉为之癫狂. 笔者手中宾家老头几许,蒙尘多日.近日购
Pentax 66? - hv.greenspun.com
A man named Tetsunao Tsuji had this to say: “A 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ single lens reflex that takes both 6x4.5 and 6x7 lenses is what Pentax should produce as a next generation camera. The new model has a waist-level finder and interchangeable backs.
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