Pentax 17 Review: A Brand-New Film Experience Worth Having
2024年6月17日 · The Pentax 17 is a half-frame 35mm film camera where frames are shot vertically to be 17mm wide — hence the namesake — and 24mm tall, as opposed to full-frame …
【Sha】PENTAX 17 – 新時代的老靈魂,傳說中的PENTAX底片相 …
PENTAX 17,以其深灰銀色與經典黑的搭配,展現了底片相機的經典之美。 它的鎂合金外殼和工程塑料部件之間的平衡,不僅使得相機輕巧易持(甚至比我的GRIII還要輕盈)卻依然保有份 …
#閒聊 可以很簡單的底片相機 PENTAX 17 - 攝影板 - Dcard
身為攝影老司機老法師的你: 你對曝光三元素、構圖、追景、約拍這些關鍵已經掌握的恰到好處的你,pentax 17是一台可以讓你已非常放鬆心情拍攝的相機,無論是約拍、美食、演唱會聽團 …
Pentax 17 Comprehensive Review – The New Half-Frame Point
2024年6月17日 · The first thing to note about the Pentax 17 is that is a half-frame camera. In a world where film and developing costs are getting higher, doubling the potential shot count per …
Review: Pentax I7 film camera. Yes film! - Creative Content Australia
2024年11月29日 · Review: Pentax I7 film camera. Yes film! You see, this camera is, as far as I can tell, the first 35mm FILM camera from a major manufacturer in something like 20 years. …
PENTAX17是一款采用“从左向右”的过片机构的半画幅相机。 当以正常方式安装时,其捕捉的竖构图影像,类似于智能手机捕捉到的画面。 PENTAX 17采用手动卷片机构,以期通过手动卷片 …
胶片相机重磅归来Pentax 17半格相机完全评测指南 - 百家号
2024年6月23日 · 早在2022年底,宾得就宣布正在开发一款全新的胶片相机,母公司理光成像公司称之为宾得胶片项目(Pentax Film Project)。 我承认自己对该项目是否会取得真正成果持有 …
PENTAX 17 Film camera
The PENTAX 17 lets photographers fully enjoy the world of film cameras — the origin of pho-tography. It is an ideal model not only for film camera enthusiasts who have enjoyed film …
Back to the future: Pentax 17 film camera review
2024年6月25日 · The Pentax 17 is the first Pentax film camera in two decades. It's built around a half-frame film format and includes design cues inspired by previous Pentax models. Is the …
Compact film camera with fixed focal length, designed to ... - PENTAX
In addition to the distinctive image quality created only by a film camera, this new model provides users with the fun and excitement of manual camera operation unique to film photography, …