Pentax Z-70 / PZ-70 - Pentax Autofocus Film SLRs - Pentax Forums
2014年4月29日 · The Z-70 is one of those Pentax that suddenly reminds me of another company's camera-it feels a lot like a Canon EOS. It's one of the KAF2 Pentax models-unlike the later MZ-30/50 (with a "crippled" mount) you can have the aperture ring on …
Z70 kit Any good? - PentaxForums.com
2015年1月13日 · Just bought a Pentax Z-70 with Pentax 28-200 zoom Lens 1L3,8-5.6 IF&AL for use on my K5, cost £18:05p on flea bay. What do you think, is it any good? 01-13-2015, 07:04 AM
Pentax Z70 - PentaxForums.com
2008年2月25日 · Pentax Z70 Search this Thread: 02-19-2008, 06:29 PM #1: JScottH. Guest. Pentax Z70. I wonder if any one ...
Pentax Z-70p - Pentax Autofocus Film SLRs - Pentax ... - Pentax …
Pentax Z-70p camera reviews and specifications. Specifications for the Pentax Z70p: Z-70pYear introduced1995MountKAF2Meter range1 - 21 EVMeter pa
z70 power switch fail - anyone tried to repair one? - Pentax Forums
2022年9月7日 · I have been the happy owner of a Pentax z70 SLR for about a decade now. Pentax Z-70 / PZ-70 - Pentax Autofocus Film SLRs - Pentax Camera Reviews and Specifications Overall, it's been a great camera and I have been very happy to have it. I don't use it a lot these days, but for some things, it's just a fun camera to play with.
Pentax Z-70 mirror problem - PentaxForums.com
Homepage & Official Pentax News: 42: 01-22-2017 01:11 AM: K5 sent back for 'mirror slop' problem but came back with much worse problem: captainbert: Troubleshooting and Beginner Help: 24: 07-10-2012 01:08 PM
Z-70 / PZ-70 - Pentax Camera Reviews and Specifications - Pentax …
Pentax camera review database with reviews of Pentax DSLRs and film SLRs as well as technical specifications.
Does the Z-70 suffer from the mirror mechanism broken cog?
2021年11月4日 · Well I took the Z70 and the mirror cog didn't fail... but the electronics did. I took about six shots on one day and the next time I took it out to use the shot count had gone up to about a dozen. I turned it on and it soon became apparent that pressing just about any button on it fired off a shot - adjust aperture: shot, change exposure mode ...
Pentax Z70 lenses - PentaxForums.com
2010年11月3日 · Hi! I really only have 1 question. I have a Z70 with the standard lens and a 200mm lens. ... Pentax Z70 lenses
Purchase of 35mm camera and lenses - PentaxForums.com
2019年5月31日 · I just recently purchase this: Pentax PZ-70 Body Manual Booklet for Pentax PZ-70 AF-500 FTZ Flash Manual Booklet for AF-500 FTZ Flash Sigma UC Zoom 28- Purchase of 35mm camera and lenses - PentaxForums.com