Pentedrone - Drugs-Forum
2012年2月13日 · Upon insufflation pentedrone produces a stimulant type effect that is somewhat consistent with most of the other substituted cathinones on the market. Pentedrone acts as a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor and can range in dosage between 10-100 milligrams depending on the purity and source.
Drug information - Pentedrone Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2010年4月18日 · Pentedrone vs pentylone is not exactly apples and oranges. I have heard that pentedrone doesnt seem to have any serotonin type effects; and this is backed up by the ease of achieving arrousal,erection and reaching climax; something that some struggle with when serotonin becomes involved (often times many just want to cuddle/make out at this point.
RCs Pentedrone - bluelight.org
2011年9月6日 · I sampled Pentedrone from a reputable source with very disappointing results. I worked myself to about 10mg nasally over an hour. It had very average stimulant properties. It gave me energy for activities, a minor mood lift, no increased sociability.
4-methyl-pentedrone (4-MPD) - 1g/24 hours - almost the same as ...
2010年3月3日 · I wish I could quote you the paper, but the amphetamine homologue of pentedrone was barely active (If I recall, approximately 1/10th) -- almost no dopaminergic activity and almost exclusively adrenergic activity. Adding the 4-methyl group to the cathinone pentedrone, to me, feels like what I read in this paper.
2017年2月19日 · N-Ethyl-Pentedrone the 3×as potent as his father Pentedrone and clearly related as as HEXEN or N-Ethyk-Hexedrone with similar effects appeared in 2016(NEP!!!) But I will talk about them very soon as I had made my own research with both of them and to have two different products is better for researching on a compound the only thing I m gonna ...
Pentedrone - experience and testing kit results - Drugs-Forum
2012年5月26日 · Pentedrone helped the mescaline to take effect faster and also increased the speedy body sensations you would normally get with higher doses of mescaline., but was similar to the amphetamines with the anxiety and paranoia which could easily lead to a bad trip.
RCs 4F-PV8, 4MEO-PV8, PV9, 4-MEO-PV9, PV10, 4F-pentedrone
2015年1月10日 · 4F-Pentedrone may have some pleasent qualities but I can't say for sure. But this is a harm reduction forum, I would probably stay away from those, they may not be directly bad for you, say as in toxic, but the effects will be crap and you'll only end up harming your body.
RCs - Pentedrone | Page 4 | Bluelight.org
2011年9月6日 · Hey guys, first post, times approximates 85kg, 27 yrs old Past experience with few rcs sunshine, b2, gbl, MDMA, amphets, coke, benzo tablets Received a free sample of penta today in hasty manner thanks to a reputable source. I read ALOT of threads including this one 4 times to be sure on...
Drug information - Pentedrone Drug Info | Page 4 | Drugs-Forum
2010年4月18日 · CASE3 Mr.D ordered some Pentedrone from the trusted vendor. The bag was marked with ETC (etcath), yet mr.D had already done some research, proving that these two were the same (at least at the specified vendor). This new pentedrone looked the same as Mr. D had seen before (source from first two cases), pure white, snowy, sticky, adhesive.
2012年4月13日 · it's like crack only 1/20th as euphoric (which is still pretty euphoric) and 5x more legs. about the same price per high too. you can buy a gram of hex for like $30 with shipping. after washing, it's more like 200mg. that 200mg will last you longer than a gram of good crack, but only because you won't need the next hit like nothing else matters. if you paced yourself just poorly, …