Pentax K-7 Review - Digital Photography Review
2009年10月2日 · So here we have the K-7, Pentax's latest enthusiast/semi-pro level DSLR. And a handsome creature it is, too - gone is the K20D's slightly pudgy utilitarianism, to be replaced by a sleek, pared-down elegance.
Pentax K-7 - Wikipedia
The Pentax K-7 is a 14.6-megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera, announced on 20 May 2009. [1] This is the first new flagship model released by Pentax since its merger with Hoya Corporation on 31 March 2008.
Pentax K-7 - Pentax K-mount DSLRs - Pentax Camera Reviews …
2023年8月26日 · The Pentax K-7 was released in 2009 as the successor to the K20D. It features a sturdy yet compact weather-sealed body, 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor, 5.2 frame-per …
Pentax K-7 review - Amateur Photographer
2009年8月15日 · The Pentax K-7 is a digital SLR camera, and though smaller and lighter than both the Canon EOS 50D and Nikon D300s, it has a traditional reflex mirror and an optical viewfinder. It also features a newly developed 14.6-million-effective-pixel CMOS sensor measuring 23.4×15.6mm . with four-channel data read-out . for faster image processing.
Pentax K-7 14.6 MP Digital SLR with Shake Reduction and 720p …
The Pentax K-7 features a rugged, yet compact new body design, a new 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor rebuilt from the ground up, and advanced features such as HD Movie Capture and new, unique-to-Pentax camera controls.
专业不一定亮骚! 最强小单反宾得K7评测_宾得 K7_数码影像评测
2009年7月31日 · 100%视野取景器、高清拍摄功能以及全天候防水、防寒和防尘功能,让人自然而然的将K7归到中高端单反 相机 行列。 而除了具备顶级设计的“金刚不坏身”,K7在成像系统上采用了1460万有效像素CMOS传感器、高速PRIME II图像引擎和全新的对焦模块,相对于师兄K20D,可说是小有进步。 握在手中的 宾得K7 给笔者一个非常独特的感觉。 这源于其130.5×96.5×72.5mm的小巧机身,以及接近1公斤的套机重量,这感受有点像手持一台缩小 …
Pentax K-7 Review - Photography Blog
2009年6月24日 · The Pentax K-7 is the best-ever Pentax DSLR camera and a real challenger to the relative giants of Canon and Nikon. Pentax have seemingly decided to include every "must-have" feature in one camera, with the K-7's specifications reading like a …
【宾得K7】报价_参数_图片_论坛_ (Pentax)宾得K7数码相机报价 …
这款多彩 KM87pro无线机械键盘采用了先进的无线蓝牙三模技术,可以同时连接多台设备,让你在不同的场景下都能有顺畅的输入体验。 键盘还配备了客制化5层填充和侧刻微尘灰设计,外观简洁大方,手感舒适。 此外,它还拥有雪豹轴和8 [阅读全文] 美的 M60系列冰箱价格太诱人! 美的 M60系列 MR-643WUKGPZE 风冷对开门冰箱,采用纯平全嵌设计,600mm含门厚度可以轻松嵌入标准柜体中。 搭载变频风机+变频压缩机组合,恒温保鲜效果更好。 采用双系统循环制冷,减 …
Pentax K-7 Review
The Pentax K-7 incorporates all of what was great about their long-underrated line of digital SLRs with a slew of upgrades and enhancements that should make camera buyers stand up and take...
Pentax K-7 香港價錢、評測報告、相機規格及相關報道
強化機身、高清拍片:Pentax K-7 正式在港登場 單反拍片近期成為大熱,不單是專業的全片幅,甚至是入門級機款都有提供,不過有趣的是,中高階單 ...
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