Pepi II | Old Kingdom, Pharaoh, & Neferkare | Britannica
Pepi II, was the fifth king of the 6th dynasty (c. 2305–c. 2118 bce) of ancient Egypt, during whose lengthy reign the government became weakened because of internal and external troubles. Late Egyptian tradition indicates that Pepi II acceded at a young age. Contemporary texts record his 62nd and 65th years.
Pepi II Neferkare - Wikipedia
Pepi II Neferkare (c. 2284 BC – c. 2214 BC [2][note 1]) was a king of the Sixth Dynasty in Egypt's Old Kingdom. His second name, Neferkare (Nefer-ka-Re), means "Beautiful is the Ka of Re ". He succeeded to the throne at age six, after the death of Nemtyemsaf I. Pepi II's reign marked a sharp decline of the Old Kingdom.
佩皮二世 - 百度百科
佩皮二世 (Pepy II),古埃及第六王朝法老(公元前2284年—公元前2184年),据记载其6岁继位,在位长达94年(公元前2278年—公元前2184年在位),是世界历史上在位时间最长的君主,也是世界历史上最长寿的君主之一。 佩皮二世执政时期,埃及古王国时代已接近结束,王权日益削弱,各诺姆(州)的独立性逐渐增强。 这些情况在法老为解放各诺姆神庙农户摆脱“王室劳役”而发布的法令中有所反映。
Biography of Pepi II | The Ancient Egypt Site
Pepi II was the penultimate king of the 6th Dynasty. During his long reign, the decline of the Old Kingdom started.
Pepi II Complex
Pepi II, the last king of the 6th Dynasty of any importance, moved again to the southern most point of Saqqara and built his funerary monument at some 120 metres away from the mastaba-shaped tomb of 4th Dynasty king Shepseskaf.
The Global Egyptian Museum | Pepi II
The fifth king of the 6th Dynasty, the son of Pepi I and Ankhnesmerire the younger. After the premature death of his half-brother Merenre, Pepi succeeded to the throne at a very young age and, according to ancient sources, ruled for 94 years. At first his mother acted as regent, together with his uncle Djau.
Neferkare Pepy II - Encyclopedia.com
Tradition claims that Neferkare Pepy II acceded to the Egyptian throne at age six and that he ruled for ninety-four years. His rule (circa 2288–2224/2194) was marked by not only internal turmoil but also by external pressure.
Digital Giza | Pepi II - Harvard University
Part 1: The Solar-boats of Khafra, their Origin and Development, together with the Mythology of the Universe which they are supposed to traverse. Cairo: Government Press, 1946.
Pepi II (2246-2152) | The Ancient Egypt Site
2014年8月30日 · Pepi II is credited with having been the longest reigning king of Ancient Egypt. During this long reign, the 6th Dynasty started to decline and the Old Kingdom would gradually come to an end. Click on the thumbnails below to learn more about Pepi II.
Pepi II | Encyclopedia.com
Pepi II (pā´pē), d. c.2185 BC, king of ancient Egypt, of the VI dynasty. His reign (c.2275–c.2185 BC) is the longest recorded in history.
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