AN/PEQ-15 - Wikipedia
The ATPIAL AN/PEQ-15 is a multifunctional laser aiming module that emits both visible and IR laser light for precise weapon aiming and produces IR light with an Illuminator for target/area illumination.
AN/PEQ-15雷射瞄准器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/PEQ-15 (英语: Advanced Target Pointer/Illuminator/Aiming Light,简称: ATPIAL,意为:先进目标定点、照明及瞄准灯, 国家库藏编号:5855-01-534-5931 [1])是一款由 EOTECH 所研制及生产、利用 MIL-STD- 1913战术导轨 装上 步枪 上的 雷射 / 红外线 瞄准器 (简称:LAM)系统,亦是 AN/PEQ-2 的缩小改进型版本。 该部件是按照 军用标准 所制造,由2005年到目前正在 美国军队 之中服役,取代过去的AN/PEQ-2。 这也是 美国特种作战部队 的第二代改 …
Optics for Hunting, Tactical, Marine, Adventure | Steiner High …
Find the perfect Steiner optic for your pursuit. Discover the perfect optic, meticulously crafted to ensure unparalleled clarity, unwavering reliability, and pinpoint precision in every situation, whether it's a critical mission, an exhilarating hunt, or an unforgettable adventure. Unyielding clarity and resilience for your ultimate pursuit.
Multifunction Aiming Light (MFAL), AN/PEQ-15, AN/PEQ-15A
The AN/PEQ-15 and AN/PEQ-15A class 3B MFAL devices replace the AN/PAQ-4C. The infrared (IR) and visible aiming lasers are co-aligned. Soldiers can use the visible laser to bore-sight the device...
AN/PEQ-15 ATPIAL 激光瞄准指示器_附件工具_战甲军品资料网
2013年8月11日 · AN/PEQ-15 ADVANCED TARGET POINTER ILLUMINATOR AIMING LIGHT (ATPIAL)先进目标标定照明瞄准灯具,是AN/PEQ-2A的后继产品,与AN/PEQ-2A比较AN/PEQ-15体积只有AN/PEQ-2A一半,本体较厚固定座直接与本体结合,较无AN/PEQ-2A有较多的选择性,AN/PEQ-15本体的设计比较像个倒过来的凹字,中间凹陷出结合了1913轨道座用以降低高度,这洋的设计使AN/PEQ-15本体安装与武器上面时,能更贴近武器本体,若受外力撞击时不至于 …
L3Harris ATPIAL (AN/PEQ-15) - OwnTheNight.com
The L3Harris ATPIAL AN/PEQ-15 is a small, lightweight, easy-to-use aiming system with integrated infrared and visible aiming lasers and an infrared illuminator. ATPIAL featuers a Rail-Grabber interface and is ruggedized to military environmental standards for use on small arms and crew-served weapons.
Advanced Target Pointer Illuminator Aiming Laser (ATPIAL) AN/PEQ …
Fully-integrated vision technologies engineered for mobility, safety and situational awareness for the operator both day and night. Rugged, ultra-compact and lightweight system with near-infrared illuminator beam designed to be compatible with all generations of night vision devices.
AN/PEQ-15A DBAL-A2 | Steiner High-Quality Optics - Steiner Optics
Dual Beam Aiming Laser - Advanced2. Incorporates an improved IR illuminator to provide better illumination at longer distances, and the cleaner, circular beam allows for accurate range estimation and engagement of moving targets. PRODUCT FEATURES: Select a row below to filter reviews. Select to rate the item with 1 star.
Steiner DBAL-A2 AN/PEQ-15A Red Visable Laser Sight w/IR ... - OpticsPlanet
These Red Laser Sights from the professional product specialists at Steiner produce a clean, circular beam that allows for accurate range estimation and engagement of moving targets. Fully adjustable for windage and elevation, the Steiner DBAL-A2 Laser Sight will help you to achieve the shot you are looking for.
Steiner DBAL-A2 – AN/PEQ-15A Aiming Laser - ANVS Inc. Night Vision
The Steiner AN/PEQ-15A DBAL-A2 Dual Beam Aiming Laser (Advanced-2) Incorporates an improved IR illuminator to provide better illumination at longer distances, and the cleaner, circular beam allows for accurate range estimation and engagement of moving targets.