Paronychia (nail fold infection): Causes, Images, treatment
Acute paronychia develops rapidly over a few hours, and usually affects a single nail fold. Symptoms are pain, redness and swelling. If herpes simplex is the cause (herpetic whitlow), multiple tender vesicles may be observed. Sometimes yellow pus appears under the cuticle and can evolve to abscess. The nail plate may lift up (onycholysis).
Paronychia - UpToDate
Paronychia is an inflammation involving the lateral and proximal nail folds. It may be acute (lasting for less than six weeks) or chronic (lasting for six weeks or longer) [1].
Acute Paronychia - Dermatologic Disorders - MSD Manuals
Paronychia is infection of the periungual tissues. Acute paronychia causes redness, warmth, and pain along the nail margin. Diagnosis is by inspection. Treatment is with antistaphylococcal antibiotics and drainage of any pus. (See also Overview of Nail Disorders.) Paronychia is usually acute, but chronic cases occur.
Acute and Chronic Paronychia Revisited: A Narrative Review
If diagnosed early, AP, with mild inflammation and no abscess can be treated nonsurgically with warm soaks 3–4 times daily, topical antibiotic with/without a topical CS or a combination of these. Significant erythema or an abscess, necessitates use of systemic antibiotics.
Paronychia Treatment & Management - Medscape
If diagnosed early, acute paronychia without obvious abscess can be treated nonsurgically. If soft tissue swelling is present without fluctuance, the infection may resolve with warm soaks 3-4...
Paronychia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年8月7日 · Paronychia is an infection of the proximal and lateral fingernails and toenails folds, including the tissue that borders the root and sides of the nail. This condition can occur spontaneously or following trauma or manipulation. Paronychia is among the most common infections of the hand.
Paronychia Drainage - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年6月5日 · Paronychia drainage is recommended when an abscess forms within the nail folds or beneath the nail plate. This activity reviews the clinical assessment and technical approach involved in the management and drainage of paronychia within the context of evidence-based practice. Objectives:
Paronychia - 加和專科中心
A periungual abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms on the side or proximal part of the nail. A periungual abscess will cause obvious and severe swelling, redness, increased local temperature and tenderness, and difficulty in using the affected finger or toe.
Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment - BMJ Best Practice
2024年6月25日 · Paronychia is the inflammation of the nail apparatus. Acute paronychias are infections of the periungual tissues, usually presenting with an acutely painful, purulent infection. Chronic paronychia represents barrier damage to the protective nail tissues, including the cuticle and the proximal and lateral nail folds.
Paronychia - acute | Health topics A to Z | CKS - NICE
An acute paronychia is a localized, superficial infection or abscess of the lateral and proximal skin fold around a nail (perionychium), causing painful swelling. Acute paronychial infections are most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Paronychia is common in all age groups and is three times more common in women than in men.