Image::MetaData::JPEG - Perl extension for showing/modifying …
The purpose of this module is to read/modify/rewrite meta-data segments in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group format) files, which can contain comments, thumbnails, Exif …
使用Perl实现图像识别 - ttocr、com - 博客园
2024年11月26日 · 使用 Write 方法保存处理后的图像为新的 JPEG 文件。 确保安装了 Perl 和 Image::Magick 库。 执行后,处理后的图像将保存在 output_image.jpg 文件中,您可以查看图 …
Reading a JPEG file perl - Stack Overflow
2012年3月1日 · I am working on a web-page that takes a JPEG file. Is there a way to read the actual JPEG file itself ? I know the read - in perl can take the file handle of the JPEG. But I …
Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images - MetaCPAN
Imager is a module for creating and altering images. It can read and write various image formats, draw primitive shapes like lines,and polygons, blend multiple images together in various ways, …
Modifying pixels in an image using Perl - Stack Overflow
2012年3月8日 · Suppose I want to take one picture, move all of its pixels one pixel to the right and one to the left, and save it. I tried this code: my $image_file = "a.jpg"; my $im = GD::Image …
PerlMagick, Perl API - ImageMagick
PerlMagick is an objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick. Use the module to read, manipulate, or write an image or image sequence from within a Perl script. This makes it very …
Perl convert image to base64 - Stack Overflow
2012年7月3日 · use it with this command line: It writes a file named image_file.jpg.b64 containing the Base64-encoded input file. To decode Base64, you might use this script: open (B64, …
哪个Perl模块将文件扩展名 (.txt,.jpeg)转换为mime类型 (文本/纯文本、图像/jpeg…
哪个Perl模块将文件扩展名 (.txt,.jpeg)转换为mime类型 (文本/纯文本、图像/jpeg)? 我想要my $mime = file_to_mime ("some.txt");# $mime = 'text/plain'
JPEGファイルの情報取得 - Perl表技集
Image::MetaData::JPEG モジュールを使うと取得できます。 die Image::MetaData::JPEG::Error();
Graphics with Perl - Eastern Michigan University
GD.pm is a Perl module for creating PNG and JPEG files. Once created, these can be viewed with a number of different tools, including any modern web browser. Web servers often use …