Persicaria affinis 'Superba' - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Persicaria affinis, commonly known as Himalayan bistort, Himalayan knotweed or fleece flower, is a creeping, densely-tufted, mat-forming, herbaceous (semi-evergreen in warm winter climates) perennial of the knotweed family. It is native to the Himalayas in altitudes up to 15,800’ where it creeps over alpine slopes, glacial moraines, rocky ...
Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ (Lesser Knotweed) - Gardenia
Vigorous, Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ (Lesser Knotweed) is a mat-forming, semi-evergreen perennial boasting charming spikes, 3 in. long (8 cm), densely packed with tiny, pale pink flowers that deepen to crimson as they mature.
Bistorta affinis 'Superba' - RHS Gardening
knotweed 'Superba' A semi-evergreen perennial forming a wide mat to 20cm in height, with dark green, elliptic leaves and erect spikes of small pale pink flowers that deepen to crimson with age Synonyms
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' is a fantastic, mat-forming perennial, bearing an evergreen carpet of tidy green leaves, from which short spikes of pale pink to crimson flowers appear from midsummer to autumn. Perfect for using as ground cover, Persicaria affinis 'Superba' is ideal for growing at the front of a border in sun or partial shade.
How to Grow and Care for Himalayan bistort 'Superba' - PictureThis
Himalayan bistort 'Superba' is distinct for its spikes of tiny pale pink flowers that mature to a deep red. A dwarf cultivar of Persicaria affinis, its name acknowledges its beauty. This plant makes an attractive ground cover that changes color throughout the year - it blooms in the summer and its leaves become bronze-colored in the fall.
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' | plant lust
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' is a broadleaf deciduous perennial groundcover perennial with bronze foliage. In summer pink flowers emerge. Attracts butterflies making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. Grows well with sun - mostly sun and regular water. Drought tolerant once established. Adapts to various soil conditions.
Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ - Van Berkum Nursery
A wonderful ground cover, with glossy green foliage that emerges tinged purple, charming bottlebrush flowers that turn from light to dark pink as they mature, and red fall color. Best in full sun. Syn. 'Dimity' Zones 3-8.
Gardening: Plant Finder - Persicaria - BBC
This useful evergreen, ground-cover plant has glossy, lance-shaped leaves which turn reddish in dry conditions, and take on fine brown tints in autumn. From early summer into autumn, the foliage is...
Persicaria affinis Superba - Hayloft
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' creates a carpet-like mat of semi-evergreen, dense, lush green foliage which helps to keep moisture in the soil while preventing weeds from taking hold. In autumn it takes on incredible shades of bronze and red.
Persicaria affinis Superba - Renouée couvre-sol aux épis rose …
La Persicaria affinis Superba s'orne de l'été à l'automne de nombreux épis de fleurs bicolores rose pâle évoluant vers une jolie teinte rose carminé. Cette vivace forme une touffe tapissante vigoureuse dense, au large feuillage vert lustré s'amenuisant vers le pétiole et finement denté, prenant de belles couleurs brunes en automne.