What is considered personal property in a will? - Legal Answers
Nov 27, 2011 · Personal property comes in two forms. There is tangible personal property which would include cars, household goods, personal effects, guns, coin collections etc. Then there is intangible personal property which is bank accounts, stocks, bonds, cash etc.
When would personal property be considered abandoned in …
Apr 14, 2013 · To establish a claim for conversion, the property owner must show (1) title to the property or the right of possession, (2) actual possession in the other party (meaning you are in possession of his property), (3) demand for return of the property, and (4) refusal by the other party to return the property.”
What is the difference between Personal Property and Personal …
(Tangible property: Personal property that can be felt or touched. Such as personal property includes furniture, business equipment, vehicles, household goods, collectibles, and jewelry.) So with the effects definition I think it says clothing, belts, ties, hats, & coats. And personal property definition says collectables, trailers (horse ...
My personal property is on someones property and they won't let …
Mar 29, 2012 · The other comments are correct; you risk personal harm by merely going onto the other property; you are technically trespassing; The proper remedy is to use the Court system. First have an attorney make a written demand to surrender the property in a manner that you can prove was received by your neighbor.
How to legally remove someone's personal property stored at my …
Oct 12, 2011 · Unwanted guests -and their property - can simply be removed. However, to avoid accusations of theft, I recommend that you do one of two things: 1) give them written notice that their property will be donated to charity on a particular day, about two weeks in the future, unless they retreive it before then., and then do it.
With regards to a Will, what is considered "Tangible Personal …
Oct 24, 2016 · So depending on how specific your parents' testamentary provisions are, most of the items you mentioned would likely fall under "residuary estate," unless there was a general provision for "tangible personal property": if the latter exists, then furniture, books/records, TVs and computers would be disposed of under the tangible personal ...
Threw my personal belongings away? Theft or negligent? How to …
Aug 12, 2015 · Intentional disposal of another person's personal property without properly notifying, or at least making reasonable attempts to notify the owner, is wrong. The civil action is known as "conversion". Conversion gives the true owner the right to sue for his/her own property, or the value and loss of use of it, as well as going to law enforcement ...
Oil and Gas Royalty - Real or Personal Property? - Legal Answers
Mar 10, 2015 · Since you are apparently in Texas, the answer in Texas is that royalties are real property whether producing or non-producing. There are many reasons why it would be important to distinguish between real and personal property in Texas. One of them is that the rules governing intestate succession are different for real and personal property.
Employee belongings when terminated from employment?
Mar 2, 2014 · If for some reason they throw out your property, then you could file a legal action for the damages that result from this. Your best bet, however, is to email the employer to let them know that you have certain personal items at your office or in your desk, provide a list of those items, and then ask that if they decide to lay you off, then you ...
What are my rights if my personal property is destroyed by …
Jul 21, 2013 · A property manager came in to inspect my unit but started taking pictures of my personal belongings for his second job he has Chattanooga, TN | 1 attorney answer I am a caregiver to my 80 yo mother she lives on my brothers property but in a …