Climate of Peru - Wikipedia
Climate of Peru describes the diverse climates of this large South American country with an area of 1,285,216 km 2 (496,225 sq mi). Peru is located entirely in the tropics but features desert and mountain climates as well as tropical rainforests .
Peru climate: average weather, temperature, rain - Climates to Travel
In Peru, the climate is subtropical desert on the coast (called la Costa), cloudy and foggy in winter and pleasantly warm in summer, while it's tropical with abundant rainfall in the Amazon forest (la Selva).
Climat Perou: température, pluie, quand partir - Climats et Voyages
Au Pérou, le climat est subtropical désertique sur la côte (la Costa), nuageux et brumeux en hiver et agréablement chaud en été, et tropical avec des pluies abondantes dans la forêt amazonienne (la Selva).
Yearly & Monthly weather - Peru
2024年5月24日 · Peru's geography is diverse and includes coastal regions, mountainous terrains, and vast rainforests. This diversity causes the country to have various climate conditions across its regions. The coast of Peru is mostly arid or semi …
Peru - Summary | Climate Change Knowledge Portal - World Bank
This page presents high-level information for Peru's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. Climate zone classifications are derived from the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system, which divides climates into five main climate groups divided based on seasonal ...
The Weather and Climate in Peru - LimaEasy
2025年2月22日 · Broadly spoken, there are three main climatic regions in Peru: the coastal region named costa in Peru (yellow) with an arid climate, the Andean highlands called sierra (orange) with a mountain climate and the Amazon rainforest called selva (green) with a tropical climate.
Clima en Perú: temperatura, lluvia, cuándo ir - Climas y Viajes
En Perú, el clima es subtropical desértico en la costa, nublado y neblinoso en invierno y agradablemente cálido en verano, mientras que es tropical con abundantes lluvias en la selva amazónica. En los Andes ( la Sierra ), el clima es templado con veranos lluviosos e inviernos secos hasta las elevadas altitudes, mientras que es frío en los ...
El clima de Perú y la mejor época para visitar - Elclimaytiempo.com
Perú está dividido en cuatro grandes zonas climáticas, cada una con sus propias características: la zona costera, la sierra, la selva y la selva tropical. El extremo occidental de Perú, que bordea el océano Pacífico, tiene un clima templado. Esta región se caracteriza por tener inviernos frescos y veranos cálidos.
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Clima Perù: temperatura, pioggia, quando andare - Climi e Viaggi
In Perù il clima è subtropicale desertico sulla costa, nuvoloso e nebbioso in inverno e piacevolmente caldo in estate, e tropicale con piogge abbondanti nella foresta amazzonica (la Selva). Sulle Ande (la Sierra), il clima è temperato con estate piovosa e inverno secco fino ad alte quote, mentre è freddo sulle cime montuose.
Peru Climate, Average Weather, Temperatures, Rainfall, Sunshine ...
🏞 Of the land area, 41.1% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 4.8% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 11.8% has a arid/ desert climate (BW), 8.6% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry winters (Cw), 33.7% has a alpine/ highland climate (H).