What the Bible says about Pesha - Bible Tools
"In rebellion" is translated from pâsha', the root of pesha'. Amos 2:4-6 carries God's charge against both Israel and Judah: Thus says the L ORD: "For three transgressions [pesha'] of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law of the L ORD, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead ...
Strong's Hebrew: 6588. פֶּ֫שַׁע (pesha) - Bible Hub
פֶּ֫שַׁע (pesha) -- Transgression, rebellion, offense. Word Origin: Derived from the root פָּשַׁע (pasha), meaning "to rebel" or "to transgress." Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - G3847 (parabasis): Often translated as "transgression," referring to the violation of law or command.
Mbipesha - Wikipedia
Njerëzit klasifikohen si obezë kur indeksi i tyre i masës trupore (BMI) - pesha e një personi pjesëtuar me katrorin e gjatësisë së personit - është mbi 30 kg/m2; diapazoni 25–30 kg/m2 përkufizohet si mbipeshë. Disa vende të Azisë Lindore përdorin vlera më të …
Cila është pesha ideale sipas formës së trupit, gjatësisë dhe moshës
2017年3月31日 · Ndonës problemet me peshën ( si nënpesha ashtu dhe mbipesha) shihen nga shumica e njerëzve më tepër si estetike, ato duhen marrë seriozisht pasi kanë lidhje të drejtëpërdrejtë me shëndetin dhe sëmundjet si diabeti, problemet me …
Pesha Que es, Concepto y Definicion - BibliaTodo
Pesha viene del verbo SDVKD que significa «rebelarse, armar una revuelta, o quebrantar». Transgresión, como sustantivo o verbo, tenía que ver con una revuelta contra la Toráh, YAHWEH o el gobierno, y constituía una violación de las normas establecidas.
Strong's Number 6588 Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament …
Strong's #6588 פֶּשַׁע pesha` {peh'-shah} From H6586; a revolt (national, moral or religious). Online Strong's Exhaustive Concordance numbers, Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament & Thayer's Greek Dictionary of the New Testament.
Pesha Magid | Reuters
2025年2月26日 · The latest international Pesha Magid news and views from Reuters - one of the world's largest news agencies
Pesa, Pesha, Peṣa, Pēṣā, Pesā: 14 definitions - Wisdom Library
2024年3月18日 · pēśa (पेश).—a ( P) Possessed of influence; bearing esteem at court &c.; respectable, weighty. --- OR --- pēśā (पेशा).—m ( P) An occupation, employment, profession. The word is of restricted application; and is mostly used of the occupation of a …
Pesha ideale - Forumi Shqiptar
2002年9月6日 · Pesha ideale ashtu sic jua llogaritin njerezve ne spital. Ka dy formula per adulte, nje per meshkuj, nje per femra. Femra: 45.5 + 2.3 * (sa inches mbi 5 feet eshte personi) = Ideal Body Weight in kg (IBW)
LogosKLogos: Diccionario hebreo Strong: 6588 פֶּשַׁע
LogosKLogos es una herramienta facil para estudiar y simple para leer, comparar,y analizar la biblia a profundidad en su lengua original (hebreo y griego) con diccionario Strong y con clave parsing.