PETG(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环乙烷二甲醇酯),英文名全称:polyethylene terephthalate-I ,4-cyclohexanedimeth yleneterephthalate,是一种透明、非结晶型共聚酯,PETG常用的共聚单体为1,4-环己烷二甲醇 (CHDM,Cylclohexylenedimethylene),全称为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环 …
PET和PETG的区别 - 知乎专栏
PETG可以在400―450F之间的熔体温度下挤压吹塑,制成洗发剂、液体洗涤剂、卫生品、矿物油和食品包装用透明瓶。 这种材料符合FDA标准,可与食品接触。
深度解析PET与PETG塑胶原料的区别 - 迪凌威科技
2024年11月28日 · PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)和PETG(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环己烷二甲醇酯)是两种常见的塑胶原料,它们在多个维度上展现出明显的区别。 一、定义与化学结构. PET塑胶原料:全称为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯。 它是一种热塑性聚酯材料,由对苯二甲酸(TPA)和乙二醇(EG)通过缩聚反应制得。 PET分子结构高度对称,具有一定的结晶取向能力,因此具有较高的成膜性和成型性。 PETG塑胶原料:全称为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4-环己 …
聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 (英語: polyethylene terephthalate,简称PET或PETE),商标名为Dacron [4] 、Terylene [5] 、Lavsan (苏联 時代或 俄罗斯) 、 的确良、涤纶、特丽纶 (港澳稱 的確涼、特麗翎,台湾稱 達克綸) [6],是生活中常见的一种 树脂,可以分为APET、RPET和PETG。 分子量:一般大于10 4。 热塑性 聚酯,具有优良的坚韧性,拉伸、抗冲击强度、耐磨性,电绝缘性。 由於具有韌性佳、重量輕、不透氣、耐酸鹼、耐水、耐油等特點,其近年成為汽水、果汁、碳 …
What is PETG? (Everything You Need To Know) - TWI
Polyethylene terephthalate glycol, known as PETG or PET-G, is a thermoplastic polyester that delivers significant chemical resistance, durability, and formability for manufacturing. PETG is an adaptation of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) where the ‘G’ stands for glycol, which is added at a molecular level to offer different chemical properties.
PET-G-常州威盛塑胶有限公司 - Waysher
PET-G实色片是一种环保的装饰材料,有多种颜色可选择,具有耐污,防划伤等特点。 贴合度高,环保,耐污,防划伤,抗指纹。 PET-G实色片主要应用于橱柜面板表面等。 与先进原料厂家合作,采用先进的生产设备和高新技术,生产制作出的PET-G实色片是一种环保的装饰材料,有多种颜色可选择,具有耐污,防划伤等特点。 贴合度高,环保,耐污,防划伤,抗指纹。 PET-G实色片主要应用于橱柜面板表面等。 常州威盛塑胶是专业的PET-G生产厂家,我们提供质量良好 …
PET VS PETG: Key Differences - GAP Polymers
2023年5月25日 · Here are the main differences between PET & PETG: 1- Flexibility: Flexibility is the main difference between the two materials. PETG is more flexible than PET. Glycol addition in PETG makes it less brittle and softer than PET. That's why PET is perfect for applications that require rigidity and high strength.
What is PETG Plastic? Information on PETG | Acme Plastics
Polyethylene terephthalate glycol, commonly known as PETG or PET-G, is a thermoplastic polyester that provides significant chemical resistance, durability, and excellent formability for manufacturing. PETG can be easily vacuumed and pressure-formed as well as heat-bent thanks to its low forming temperatures.
PET-G | Emco Industrial Plastics
PET-G, glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate, is a high impact resistant copolyester that is a clear amorphous thermoplastic. PET-G offers high stiffness, hardness, and toughness as well as good impact strength.
Verbatim PET-G 1.75MM 1KG Black - ledsandchips.com
An easy-to-print filament with high impact strength. This hydrophobic filament has excellent flexibility, prints with almost no warping or shrinkage and is odour neutral. It is an ideal material …
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