pET-28b (+) Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Bacterial vector for expression of N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins with a thrombin site. For other reading frames, use pET-28a (+) or pET-28c (+). Sequence Author: MilliporeSigma …
Its T7 promoter system, 6xHis-tag, and Kanamycin resistance gene provide strong transcription, easy purification, and selection in E. coli. pET-28b+ Plasmid DNA is a valuable tool for …
pET-28b (+) vector map and sequence - novoprolabs.com
Provide pET-28b (+) vector/plasmid map, full length sequence, antibiotic resistance, size and other information
Difference between pET-28a vector and pET-28b vector?
"The maps for pET-28b (+) and pET-28c (+) are the same as pET-28a (+) (shown) with the following exceptions: pET-28b (+) is a 5368bp plasmid; subtract 1bp from each site beyond …
pET-28b (+) DNA - Novagen | 69865 - Merck
pET-28b (+) DNA - Novagen Novagen's pET-28a-c (+) vectors carry an N-terminal His•Tag®/thrombin/T7•Tag® configuration plus an optional C-terminal His•Tag sequence. - …
Rapid modification of the pET-28 expression vector for ligation ...
The pET-28b (+) expression vector used as the template for plasmid modification was obtained from Novagen. S. cerevisiae strain BJ5464-NpgA (MATα ura3-52 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1 trp1 …
pET-28b (+) - EcoliWiki
2011年8月25日 · The pET-28b (+) vector carries an N-terminal His•Tag/thrombin/T7•Tag configuration in addition to an optional C-terminal His•Tag sequence. Unique sites are shown …
pET-28b-Cas9-His - Addgene
Plasmid pET-28b-Cas9-His from Dr. Alex Schier's lab contains the insert Cas9 and is published in PLoS One. 2014 May 29;9 (5):e98186. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098186. eCollection 2014. …
pET-28a (+) Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Bacterial vector for expression of N-terminally 6xHis-tagged proteins with a thrombin site. For other reading frames, use pET-28b (+) or pET-28c (+).
pET-28b(+) DNA - Novagen Novagen′s pET-28a-c(+) vectors carry …
The pET-28a-c (+) vectors carry an N-terminal HIS TAG ® /thrombin/T7•Tag configuration plus an optional C-terminal HIS TAG sequence. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 …
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