pET-45b(+) Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Bacterial vector for expressing N-terminally 6xHis-tagged and C-terminally S-tagged proteins. Sequence Author: MilliporeSigma (Novagen) Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: pET & Duet Vectors …
pET-45b(+) pET45b质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测 …
pET-45b载体是带有N-His蛋白标签,EK蛋白酶位点和C-S标签,可以在大肠杆菌中高表达目的蛋白。 独特的酶切位点在载体图谱中被标注出来。 需要注意的是,这些载体序列是依据载 …
pET-45b(+)-Tn5 - Addgene
Plasmid pET-45b(+)-Tn5 from Dr. Frank Pugh's lab contains the insert Tn5 and is published in Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 20;9(1):2842. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05265-7. This plasmid is available …
pET-45b(+) 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
提供 pET-45b(+) 载体/质粒图谱,全长序列,抗性,大小和元件信息。
pET-45b(+)-Tn5载体图谱质粒图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引物 …
pET-45b(+)-Tn5质粒价格1200元,pET-45b(+)-Tn5(爱迪基因#112112 )质粒图谱(map),质粒序列(Sequence)见下文,质粒抗性为氨苄青霉素,质粒大小为6703 bp。pET-45b(+)-Tn5质粒是 …
pET-45b (+)载体_质粒图谱 - 优宝生物
The pET-45b(+) vector carries an N-terminal His•Tag® coding sequence followed by an enterokinase cleavage site and an optional C-terminal S•TagTM sequence. Unique sites are …
pET-45b(+) - EcoliWiki
2011年8月16日 · The pET-45b(+) plasmid has the capability to express fusion proteins with an N-terminal His•Tag coding sequence that results in native protein after the purification and …
pET-45b(+) DNA, Novagen, His-tagged Sigma-Aldrich
The pET-45b plasmid features the ability to express fusion proteins with an N-terminal HIS TAG ® coding sequence that results in native protein after purification and cleavage. The plasmid …
pET-45b(+) vector map and sequence - novoprolabs.com
Provide pET-45b(+) vector/plasmid map, full length sequence, antibiotic resistance, size and other information
Addgene: Vector Database - pET-45b(+)
What strain of bacteria does my stab contain? How can I be notified when a new material becomes available? What is virus associated DNA, and why do I have to order it? Welcome to …