WARNING: pet-temp ear thermometer | UK Pet Forums Forum
2010年10月19日 · It's an ear thermometer for cats and dogs, and is called "Pet Temp Instant Ear Thermometer". This is it: Pet-Temp Thermometer | Advanced Monitors Corporation Anyway I managed to screw up very very badly today when this thing gave me inconsistent and totally wrong readings. (luckily the cat's okay, but that's hardly the point)
WARNING: Pet-Temp ear thermometer | UK Pet Forums Forum
2010年10月19日 · WARNING: Pet-Temp ear thermometer 1309 Views 1 Reply 2 Participants Last post by Malmum , Oct 19, 2010 Jump to Latest Tje Discussion starter · Oct 19, 2010
Help, what's this on my cats ear!! | UK Pet Forums Forum
2025年2月2日 · My cat has a hard red lump on her ear. It doesn't bother her she is acting herself, eating, drinking, going to the toilet etc. She is an rescue indoor cat age 7 This started as a small red mark on her ear where we thought she just caught herself whilst itching her ear. But it's grown to this over the last 2/3 months.
Thermometer hygiene when taking dog's temp?? - UK Pet Forums …
2012年12月19日 · Usual scenario - thermometer removed from plastic case > apply vaseline (or similar lubricating product) to thermometer > inserted into dog's rectum > temperature read > thermometer thoroughly washed/cleaned with alcohol (or similar sterilising agent) > thermometer replaced into plastic case.
Surolan alternative non prescription | UK Pet Forums Forum
2024年12月23日 · To give you some background, our mainecoon boy had ear bacteria as he was producing too much ear wax and itching all the time. The vet prescribed Surolan for 2 weeks and it pretty much cleared the problem. But one of the ear has too much was again and seem to be getting dirty a lot. The vet charged us £50 last time just for med plus consultation.
Travelling abroad to visit EU vets - UK Pet Forums Forum
2023年6月26日 · Sorry but I cannot see how it could possibly be cheaper to have a pet treated in Europe. OK the vet fees may be less but once the UK vet's fees for issuing the relevant paperwork and the cost of actually transporting the animal are taken into account - plus the cost of transport and accommodation for the pet's owner are added in the overall bill is going to be …
Microchipping - are all chips the same? | UK Pet Forums Forum
2014年9月26日 · I have seen mini microchips advertised at the vets possibly for small dogs but I didn't read fully . There's also a thermo-microchip which gives body temperature, Hattie has one as pet blood bank chip donors for free, but not worth paying more for as most vets will use ear or rectal thermometer (even PBB rarely use chip temp).
Constant ear infection, HELP! | UK Pet Forums Forum
2020年8月13日 · Ear infections can be a real nuisance to get rid of sometimes (in cats). Possibly there could be some kind of a blockage in Ginny's ear canal e.g. a polyp, which is preventing the ear drops getting to the middle ear (or whichever part of the ear is affected). if so surgery would be the probable answer.
Vet Price For Flushing Ear - UK Pet Forums Forum
2017年8月2日 · They are practicing gold standard medicine. If you read a textbook on otitis (ear inflammation) in the dog, it will tell you to examine the ear drum before giving any drops, even if this requires sedation. In the real world, giving drops without examining the ear drum may be appropriate, provided everyone is aware of the possible risks.
Ear Infections - UK Pet Forums Forum
2021年10月17日 · In the Summer, after being on holiday cover, he started with an ear infection, both ears. Apparently he went swimming in the River Mersey - so we put it down to that, rightly or wrongly. It took 3 months to clear, fortnightly visits to the vet. Steroid tablets, swabs taken, two different lots of ear drops and maintenance cleaning drops.