pET-44a(+) Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Bacterial vector for expressing 6xHis-tagged NusA fusion proteins. For other reading frames, use pET-44b (+) or pET-44c (+). Sequence Author: MilliporeSigma (Novagen) Explore Over 2.7k …
pET-44a (+) pET44a质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测 …
pET44系列载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有495个氨基酸的Nus标签的蛋白表达载体。 与pET-43.1系列载体相比,pET44系列载体额外编码一个N端的His蛋白纯化标签。
pET-44a (+) vector map and sequence
Provide pET-44a(+) vector/plasmid map, full length sequence, antibiotic resistance, size and other information
pET-44a(+) 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
我们所展示的质粒图谱主要是从文献和开放数据库中收集而来,主要是为了方便研究工作,其中一小部分质粒进行了质量控制,可供科学家使用。 所有的产品都严格仅供科学研究使用,不能应用于临床试验,包括人体摄入、注射或外用的药理学用途。 确保质粒的关键元件正确,但是我们并不能保证实验结果。 页面展示的图谱序列为理论序列,可能与测序结果不一致,请自行比对后确定是否满足要求。 (如果测过序,本页面一般会提供下载) 开放数据库中的大多数载体序列都没有被 …
Addgene: Vector Database - pET-44 a(+)
Analyze a DNA sequence to see restriction sites and map. Vector Database. Browse a digital-only collection of vector backbone information
pET-44 EK/LIC-北京华越洋生物 - huayueyang.com.cn
The pET-44 Ek/LIC Vector is prepared for rapid, directional cloning of PCR-amplified DNA for high-level expression of polypeptides fused with N-terminal His•Tag®,Nus•Tag™ and S•Tag™ sequences.
pET-44a (+)载体_质粒图谱 - 优宝生物
Compared to the pET-43.1 series, the pET-44 vectors encode an additional N-terminal His•Tag. Unique sites are shown on the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circle map.
pET-44a (+)-北京华越洋生物
pET44 系列载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有 495 个氨基酸的 Nus 标签的蛋白表达载体。 与 pET-43.1 系列载体相比, pET44 系列载体额外编码一个 N 端的 His 蛋白纯化标签。
pET-44a(+)大肠杆菌表达载体说明 - 百度文库
pET44a 载体简介 pET44 系列载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有 495 个氨基酸的 Nus 标签的蛋白表达 载体。 与 pET-‐43.1 系列载体相比,pET44 系列载体额外编码一个 N 端的 His 蛋白纯化标 签。
The pET-44 Ek/LIC Vector is prepared for rapid, directional cloning of PCR-amplified DNA for high-level expression of polypeptides fused with N-terminal His•Tag®,Nus•TagTM and S•TagTM se-quences.
pET-44b (+) pET44b质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测 …
pET44系列载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有495个氨基酸的Nus标签的蛋白表达载体。 与pET-43.1系列载体相比,pET44系列载体额外编码一个N端的His蛋白纯化标签。
pET-44 EK/LICpET44 EK/LIC质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗 …
pET-44 EK/LIC载体是用来快速定向PCR高通量质粒构建的载体。本载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有495个氨基酸的Nus标签的蛋白表达载体。与pET-43.1系列载体相比,pET44系列载体额外编码一个N端的His蛋白纯化标签。
The pET-44 vectors are designed for cloning and high-level expression of peptide sequences fused with the 495 aa Nus•TagTM protein. Compared to the pET-43.1 series, the pET-44 vectors encode an additional N-terminal His•Tag. Unique sites are shown on the circle map.
pST44 - Addgene
Image: Illustrated plasmid map in PNG format. GenBank File: Plasmid sequence and annotations. Use text editor or plasmid mapping software to view sequence. SnapGene File: Plasmid sequence and SnapGene enhanced annotations. Use with SnapGene software or the free Viewer to visualize additional data and align other sequences.
RCSB PDB - 8OTU: The crystal structure of PET44, a PETase …
2023年4月21日 · The crystal structure of PET44, a PETase enzyme from Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii. PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb8OTU/pdb; Classification: HYDROLASE; Organism(s): …
pET-43.1a(+) Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Bacterial vector for expressing NusA fusion proteins. For other reading frames, use pET-43.1b (+) or pET-43.1c (+). Sequence Author: MilliporeSigma (Novagen) Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: …
pET-44c (+) - EcoliWiki
The pET-44c (+) vector is specially designed for cloning and high-level expression of polypeptide sequences fused with the 495 aa NusA (Nus•Tag) protein.
71122 Sigma-Aldrich pET-44a(+) DNA - Novagen - Merck
pET-44a (+) DNA - Novagen MSDS (material safety data sheet) or SDS, CoA and CoQ, dossiers, brochures and other available documents. The pET-44 vectors are designed for cloning and high-level expression of polypeptide sequences fused with the 495 aa NusA (Nus•Tag™) protein.
pET-44c (+) pET44c质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测 …
pET44系列载体是设计用来克隆和高水平表达含有495个氨基酸的Nus标签的蛋白表达载体。 与pET-43.1系列载体相比,pET44系列载体额外编码一个N端的His蛋白纯化标签。
71144 Sigma-Aldrich pET-44 Ek/LIC Vector Kit - Novagen - Merck
pET Expression Systems and pET Expression Systems plus Competent Cells provide core reagents needed for target gene cloning and expression.The pET-43.1 vectors incorporate the Nus•Tag fusion partner and are also compatible with the trxB/gor mutant Origami, Origami 2, Origami B, Rosetta-gami, Rosetta-gami 2, and Rosetta-gami B strains, which faci...