Peter Masters - Wikipedia
Peter Masters has been the Minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in central London since 1970. [1] [2] He founded the Evangelical Times, an evangelical newspaper, in 1967. He also directs the School of Theology, an annual conference for pastors and Christian workers at …
All Sermons by Dr Peter Masters - Metropolitan Tabernacle
2025年2月26日 · Articles, sermons and books from Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon's) in London.
Dr Peter Masters | Sermons | Metropolitan Tabernacle
2025年3月2日 · Teaching sermons, evangelistic sermons and Bible Studies by Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon's) in London.
Metropolitan Tabernacle, London | Sermons and Articles
2025年3月2日 · Dr Peter Masters A new approach to interpretation has gripped many evangelical seminaries and Bible colleges, an approach based on the ideas of unbelieving critics, stripping the Bible of God's message and leaving pastors impoverished in their preaching.
Sermons by Dr. Peter Masters | Metropolitan Tabernacle
2025年2月16日 · How is Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life? How is Christ Light of the World? Do You Have the Holy Spirit?
All Sermons Online - Metropolitan Tabernacle
2022年4月6日 · Find here a list of all sermons online at the Metropolitan Tabernacle London | Download, listen or watch online | Sermons by Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor at the Metropolitan Tabernacle | Teaching sermons, gospel messages and bible studies
Sermons | Dr. Peter Masters - SermonAudio
Dr Peter Masters has been pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in central London since 1970. These sermons have been preached to packed congregat...
Interview with Dr Peter Masters - First six years at ET - Evangelical …
2023年9月3日 · We look back and hear more from ET’s founding editor, Peter Masters. During the 1960s tension built among evangelicals as to whether ministers and churches should leave broadly liberal denominations to associate in congregations of believers.
彼得·馬斯特斯(Dr. Peter Masters) - 澳門子粒文化發展 ...
馬斯特斯博士是倫敦改革宗浸信會神學院的院長及司布真所創立的神學期刊《劍與鏝》的主編。 他年輕時曾就職於大英博物館,對英國人文歷史有深入研究。 他到都市會幕教堂任牧後,扭轉了教會衰敗的局面,聚會人數大大增加,如今都市會慕教堂已經有來自五湖四海的人聚會,聚會時有中文、西班牙語等多種語言的同聲傳譯。 馬斯特斯博士著有多部神學和靈修作品,深受讀者喜愛, 其中多部作品在中國內地被翻译和正式出版。 他的講道面向歐洲和美國直播。 在都市會幕教堂 …
Peter Masters: Religious scholar, Theologian | Biography, Facts ...
Peter Masters has been the Minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon's) in central London since 1970. He commenced the Evangelical Times, the monthly evangelical conservative newspaper. He directs the School of Theology, an annual Christian conference for pastors and Christian workers.