Peugeot 207 - Wikipedia
The Peugeot 207 is a supermini car that was designed and produced by the French automaker Peugeot from 2006 to 2014. It was presented at the Geneva Motor Show in 2006, and entered …
Specs for all Peugeot 207 versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Peugeot 207 version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other …
标致207 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
标致207(Peugeot 207)是一款由法國 標緻車廠於2006年推出、用以取代標緻206車系的B級距(Segment B)紧凑型汽车。 主要投放欧洲市场,其主要竞争对手为 雪铁龙C3 和 大众波罗 等。
世代交替—Peugeot 207 1.6試駕 | U-CAR試車 - U-CAR汽車網站
和 206 圓潤的控台線條相較,207 明顯方正許多,讓整體質感獲得提升,而在中央、左右冷氣出風口的設計,更巧妙呼應了 Peugeot 廠徽與 207 的菱形尾燈,相當惹人注目。
Peugeot 207 — Wikipédia
La 207 est une citadine du segment B produite par le constructeur automobile français Peugeot entre 2006 et 2014. La 207 est la voiture la plus vendue en Europe en 2007 et la plus vendue …
Peugeot 207 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions
Peugeot 207 road cars are equipped with a wide range of 1.4 and 1.6-liter both petrol and diesel engines. A 2.0-liter petrol engine with an output of 280 Hp is featured in the rally car Peugeot …
peugeot 207 occasion - Annonce peugeot 207 - La Centrale
Toutes les annonces Voiture peugeot 207 d'occasion - Particuliers et professionnels - Annonces sécurisées avec La Centrale
Peugeot 207 models - Cars-Data.com
Specs for Peugeot 207 models with complete specs about engine, performance. Choose the Peugeot 207 model and explore the versions, specs and image galleries car manufacturers
Peugeot 207 car specifications
Current & classic Peugeot 207 models with detailed specs including acceleration, maximum speed, exterior dimensions and fuel economy. All specifications listed are searchable, …
Peugeot 207 Review - Price, Specs And Fuel Consumption In MPG …
The Peugeot 207 is a French manufacturing supermini car offered by the Peugeot since 2006 and produced till 2014. The Peugeot was replaced by the Peugeot 208 in 2012. The car was built …